Sunday Fun – Announcing The Guidelines For The 7th Annual Valentiny Writing Contest!!!

Well, hi there, everyone!

In spite of my tendency to forget what day it is, I do know that today is Sunday. Not a posting day for me.

But let’s face it. It’s freezing cold, there’s snow everywhere, and going outdoors is likely to cause loss of digits or possibly your nose to frostbite. Not only that, it’s still January so the spring light at the end of the tunnel seems far far away!

We definitely need something to energize us (whilst keeping our fingers and toes intact)!

Let’s get the sun shining and our motivation flowing with a nice mug of hot chocolate (preferably topped with whipped cream because why not? 😊) and a writing challenge!

Are you ready to fire up those brain cells?

Because you’ve got two weeks (nothing like a deadline to get you focused on something besides how cold and dark it is!) to write your entry for. . .

The 7th Annual Valentiny Writing Contest

~ for children’s writers ~

The Contest:  since writing for children is all about “big emotion for little people” (I forget who said that, but someone did so I put it in quotes!) and Valentines Day is all about emotion, write a Valentines story appropriate for children (children here defined as ages 12 and under) maximum 214 words in which someone feels proud!  They can be proud in a good way or a bad way. They can be proud of themselves for asking someone to be their Valentine, or they can be proud of how they asked. They can be proud of a Valentine they make, or a Valentine celebration they plan. They can be proud of giving something up, or proud of asking someone they’re not sure about for some reason in order to be nice. They can be proud of their performance in a Valentines Day play or concert or parade. . . sky’s the limit!  Just make sure it is clearly Valentine-centered! Think beyond the obvious!  Your story can be poetry or prose, sweet, funny, surprising or anything in between, but it will only count for the contest if it includes someone proud (can be the main character but doesn’t have to be) and is 214 words (get it? 2/14 for Valentines Day 😊 ) You can go under the word count but not over! (Title is not included in the word count.)  If you are so inclined, you are welcome to enter more than one entry – just remember you’ll be competing against yourself 😊  No illustration notes please!

Post your story in the comment section of my Friday February 11th Post between 12:01 AM EDT Friday February 11th and Sunday February 13th by 11:59 PM EDT.  There will be no regularly scheduled posts for the duration of the contest (Tuesday Debut, Would You Read It, or PPBF), so the post and all of your entries will stay up for everyone to enjoy.  If you have difficulty with the comments, which unfortunately sometimes happens, you may email your entry to me and I’ll post it for you. But please don’t email your entry before the start of the contest – my inbox is generally overflowing and things may get lost!

The Judging: over the following days, my lovely assistants and I will narrow down the entrants to 6-12 top choices depending on number and quality of entries (hee hee hee – you know how much trouble I have with the narrowing, so we’ll see) which will be posted here and voted on for a winner on Friday February 18th (or possibly a day or two later if the judges need extra time.)   The winner will be announced Monday February 21st depending on judging and voting time needed.  The dates of the judging/voting/winner announcements are subject to finagling depending on how much time the judges actually end up needing!

Judging criteria will include:

  1. Kid-appeal/Kid-friendliness – remember, this is a story for kids!
  2. Creativity in using pride, and success in making us feel the pride (whether it’s good pride or bad)!
  3. Valentine’s Day appropriateness – this is a VALENTINE story and Valentine’s Day must be central to it!
  4. Quality of story – we will look for basic story elements and a true story arc
  5. Quality of writing – use and flow of language, correctness of mechanics, excellence of rhyme and meter if you use it, PROOFREADING!
  6. Originality – surprise us with something new and different! 😊
  7. How well you followed the Submission Guidelines – agents and editors expect professionalism. This is a chance to practice making sure you read and follow specified guidelines.

The Prizes:  I’m still working on prizes (aren’t I always 😊), but I wanted to get the contest guidelines up so you’d have time to write.  Start writing and watch this space for prizes which I will fancy up and add to as I get them organized!

⭐️ Picture Book Manuscript Read & Critique from agent Mary Cummings!

⭐️ 1/2 Hour Zoom Picture Book Manuscript Critique or Mentoring Session with author Lynne Marie!

⭐️ Picture Book Manuscript Critique from author Penny Parker Klostermann!

⭐️ 30 Minute Zoom Ask Me Anything with author Keila Dawson!

⭐️ Access to author/editor Alayne Kay Christians webinars!

⭐️ Picture Book Manuscript Critique (fiction) from author Melissa Berger Stoller!

⭐️ Picture Book Manuscript Critique from author Rebecca Gardyn Levington!

⭐️ Picture Book Manuscript Critique (nonrhyming) from author Rebecca Kraft Rector!

⭐️ Picture Book Manuscript Critique and Query Letter Critique from author Jessica Stremer!

⭐️ Picture Book Manuscript Critique from author Cathy Ballou Mealey!

⭐️ Personalized Signed Copy of KING CAKE BABY by Keila Dawson

⭐️ Personalized Signed Copy of PLANTING FRIENDSHIP: PEACE, SALAAM, SHALOM by Melissa Berger Stoller

⭐️ Personalized Signed Copy of IT’S A MUFFULETTA! IT’S A WHATA? by Patricia Saunders

19 thoughts on “Sunday Fun – Announcing The Guidelines For The 7th Annual Valentiny Writing Contest!!!

  1. Colleen Owen Murphy says:

    Oh my! And I just finished one project (a story for my grandson’s second birthday)! No rest for the creatives! Thanks Susanna!

  2. Sarah Hetu-Radny says:

    I am so excited for this year’s contest! I can’t wait to read all the great submissions! Good luck everybody!

  3. eleanorannpeterson says:

    Goodness, where are you based Susanna? Freezing cold, frostbite? I could understand if you lived in Canada. I’m originally from Ontario, Canada. If I can’t get something together for the Valentiny contest, I will certainly try to read the entries and give some feedback. Best wishes for the new submissions. In bocca al lupo!

  4. chardixon47 says:

    It’s cold, but your post has warmed the heart. Thinking Valentine’s Day and story possibilities. Thank you, Susanna, for putting joy in the day.

  5. Una Belle Townsend says:

    Una Belle Townsend
    214 Wds.
    Surprise Valentine’s Day Party
    Biking near some homes for sale, Penny said, “I miss our neighbor, Mrs. Cobb. She’s moved to Ada’s Retirement Center.”
    “My neighbor, Mr. Denton, is there, too,” said Bill.
    “We should go see them. We can make them Valentine’s,” said Penny.
    “Say, let’s plan a Valentine’s party for them.”
    “Good idea, but it will be a better party if we include their new friends there, too,” said Penny.
    The next day, they asked the retirement center director, and she said they could have a party, sing songs, and play bingo. The center would furnish a heart-shaped cake and music.
    The planning went smoothly. Penny and Bill made Valentine decorations and gathered bingo prizes.
    Everything was good until they heard Mrs. Cobb’s daughter might take her home for the weekend.
    Penny said, “What should we do?” She finally asked the director to tell the daughter about the surprise party. The daughter liked the idea, and said she’d donate ice cream for it.
    “Bill, there’s one thing left,” said Penny. “I’m making crowns for the King and Queen of Valentine’s Day.”
    The next week, the local newspaper’s column, “We’re proud of our Citizens” showed pictures of Penny and Bill, many retirement guests, and a surprised King and Queen of Valentine’s Day, Mrs. Cobb and Mr. Denton.

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