Mars’ First Friends: Come on Over, Rovers!

Mars' First Friends: Come on Over, Rovers! book cover
written by Susanna Leonard Hill
illustrated by Elisa Paganelli
Sourcebooks Wonderland
ISBN-10: 1728205182
ISBN-13: 1728205182

From the creators of New York Times bestseller Moon’s First Friends comes a new, heartwarming story about the little red planet who just wants a pet! In a solar system full of planets, Mars feels all alone. No one has time to play with him. Will he ever get a playmate?

Mars’ First Friends is a universal story about man’s―and Mars’―best friends―our beloved pets. In this sweet solar system book, Mars is lonely and just wants someone to play with, but the planets are all too busy. That is until Earth sends her little brother Mars his first friends: the rovers Spirit and Opportunity!

With its darling prose and charming illustrations, this book offers a new take on the Mars rovers stories, and also includes educational back matter with an abundance of information about the solar system, Mars, and his real-life pets―NASA’s rovers!

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