The 13th Annual Halloweensie Writing Contest aahhhrrrooooOOO!!!

Wool of bat and toe of snake! It’s time for. . .

The 13th Annual Halloweensie Writing Contest!!!

~ for children’s writers ~

THE CONTEST: write a 100 word Halloween story appropriate for children (children here defined as 12 and under) (title not included in word count) using the words werewolf, superstition, and fright.

  • Your story can be poetry or prose, scary, funny, sweet, or anything in between, but it will only count for the contest if it includes those 3 words and is 100 words. Get it? Halloweensie – because it’s not very long and it’s for little people 😊
  • You can go under the word count but not over!
  • Title is not included in the word count.
  • You may use the words in any form i.e. werewolves (werecub or werepuppy is acceptable as well should your story feature a young werewolf), frighten/frightening/frightful, superstitious etc, etc, whathaveyou 😊
  • You are welcome to enter more than one entry – just remember you’ll be competing against yourself 😊
  • No illustration notes please!

And yes, I know 100 words is short, but that’s part of the fun and the challenge!

POST: your story in the comment section of This Post between right now this very second and 11:59PM Eastern Tuesday October 31st (So you have 3 full days to post – Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.)

  • For those of you who would also like to post on your blogs, please feel free to do so! You are welcome to include the link to your blog with your entry in the comment section of the Official Contest Post so that people can come visit your blog, but all entries must be posted in the comment section of the Official Contest Post between 12:01 AM Eastern Sunday October 29th and Tuesday October 31st at 11:59PM Eastern or they will not be read.
  • If you have difficulty posting your entry to the comments, which unfortunately sometimes happens, you may email your entry to me and I’ll post it for you! (Handy Contact button above or [susanna[at]susannahill[dot]com) Please place your entry in the body of the email including your title, byline (that means who the story is by – you! – so for example, By Jane Doe) and word count at the top NO ATTACHMENTS! and please do not submit any entries before the official opening of the contest at 12:01 AM Eastern Sunday October 29th. They will not be accepted.
  • I know how hard you all work on your entries, and how anxious you are to get them posted, but please try to be a little patient if your entry doesn’t show up immediately. Many comments have to be manually approved, and it sometimes takes me a little while to post entries that come in by email. I promise I will get to everything as soon as I can. I try never to leave my desk during contests, but sometimes it’s unavoidable 😊
  • Every entry will be listed with a link to its comment so that entries are easy to find, but I cannot add links until 50 entries are up or they become incorrect when the comments move on to page 2, just so you’re aware!

THE JUDGING: over the following days, my devoted assistants and I will read and re-read and narrow down the entries to a finalist field of about 12 which will be posted here for you to vote on I hope by Monday November 6th (though if the judging takes longer than expected it might be a little later – I have school visits that week and a far away book festival over the weekend.) The winners will be announced Thursday or Friday, November 9th or 10th (good lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise 😊)

Judging criteria will be as follows:

  • 1. Kid-appeal! – These stories are intended for a young audience (ages 12 and under), so we’re looking for stories that children will enjoy and relate to.
  • 2.  Halloweeniness – the rules state a Halloween story, so it must be crystal clear that the story is about Halloween, not just some random spooky night.
  • 3. Use of all 3 required words and whether you came it at 100 words or less.
  • 4. Quality of story – entries must tell a story, including a main character of some kind and a true story arc even if it’s tiny 😊  Entries must not be merely descriptions or mood pieces.
  • 5. Quality of Writing: check your spelling, grammar, punctuation etc.  If you’re going to rhyme, give us your best 😊  Use and flow of language, correctness of mechanics, excellence of rhyme and meter if you use it, PROOFREADING!
  • 6. Originality and creativity – because that is often what sets one story above another.
  • 7. How well you followed the Submission Guidelines – agents and editors expect professionalism. This is a chance to practice making sure you read and follow specified guidelines. If you don’t follow agent and editor submission guidelines, they won’t even read your submission.

THE PRIZES: So amazing! What wonderful, generous people we have in our kidlit community! Just wait til you see what you can win!

⭐️ Ask Me Anything Zoom Picture Book Manuscript Critique from Sandra Foreman Sutter, owner and “top gnome” at Gnome Road Publishing, and author of STAN’S FRIGHTFUL HALLOWEEN (Spork, September 2020) and THE REAL FARMER IN THE DELL (Spork, March 2019)!!! Not only will Sandra read and critique your manuscript, you will get to talk to discuss it with her!

⭐️ Rhyme & Meter Self Study Course – Renee LaTulippe Renée M. LaTulippe is the author of The Crab Ballet (Cameron Kids/Abrams, 2022) and Limelight: Theater Poems to Perform (Charlesbridge, 2024) and has poems published in many anthologies including No World Too BigNight WishesSchool People, National Geographic’s The Poetry of USOne Minute Till BedtimePoems Are TeachersThankU: Poems of Gratitude, and A World Full of Poems.

⭐️ Picture Book Manuscript Critique or Zoom Chat About A Project You’re Working On PLUS a Signed Copy of THE PIE THAT MOLLY GREW from Sue Heavenrich, author of THE PIE THAT MOLLY GREW (Sleeping Bear Press, August 2023), 13 WAYS TO EAT A FLY (Charlesbridge, 2021), DIET FOR A CHANGING CLIMATE (21st Century Books, August, 2018), FUNKY FUNGI (Chicago Review Press, July, 2022), the Super Science Series, and The Human Machine Series.

⭐️ Picture Book Manuscript Critique (non-rhyming, 700 words or less) PLUS a Query Letter Critique from author Steena Hernandez! Her debut picture book, LUPITA’S BROWN BALLET SLIPPERS, comes out with Beaming Books in Fall 2024. She’s an active member of SCBWI, Julie Hedlund’s 12×12 Picture Book Challenge, and Las Musas. Her poems and stories have appeared in Highlights High Five Magazine, and Little Thoughts Press Magazine. She’s represented by Lynnette Novak from the Seymour Agency. Visit her website at

Author Steena Hernandez (photo credit Laura Squire)

⭐️ Picture Book Manuscript Critique from Hanh Bui, author of The Yellow Áo Dài (Feiwel & Friends, April 25, 2023) and the forthcoming Ánh’s New Word: A Story About Learning a New Language (Feiwel & Friends, May 14, 2024) PLUS a signed copy of The Yellow Áo Dài!

⭐️ Picture Book Manuscript Critique (non-rhyming, 750 words or less) from Dara Henry, author of HANUKKAH PAJAMAKKAHS, forthcoming from Sourcebooks, September 2024! Dara is a former teacher and has twice been named Honorable Mention in the Children’s Fiction Category of the 88th Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competition. She is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, KIDLIT411, Writing for Children, 12×12, and PB_Soar 24. She is represented by Rena Rossner of The Deborah Harris Agency.

Author Dara Henry

⭐️ Picture Book Manuscript Critique (Rhyming) PLUS Zoom Chat from developmental editor Lou Piccolo! Lou studied English Literature, creative writing and teaching at university in South Africa. After working as an EFL teacher in France for twenty years, she studied proofreading and editing before becoming a developmental editor of children’s and young adult’s literature for independent authors. She is a graduate of Renee LaTulippe’s Lyrical Language Lab – Punching Up Prose With Poetry course and Making Picture Book Magic, the in-house writer for Editions Entrefilet’s language-learning magazine ‘Go English Kids’ for children of 8-12 in France, and a traditionally published author of MG and YA fiction with Burlington Books.

⭐️ Picture Book Manuscript Critique (non-rhyming) or Dummy Critique from Bonnie Kelso, author/illustrator of NUDI GILL: POISON POWERHOUSE OF THE SEA (Gnome Road, April 4, 2023), illustrator for IN A CAVE (written by Heather Ferranti Kinser, Gnome Road, October 3, 2023), and author-illustrator of a three-book series with GRP starting next spring!

⭐️ Picture Book Manuscript Critique (fiction) from Melissa Stoller, author of SCARLET’S MAGIC PAINTBRUSH (Spork 2018), READY, SET, GORILLA! (Spork 2018), THE ENCHANTED SNOW GLOBE COLLECTION (chapter books) (Spork 2017), SADIE’S SHABAT STORIES (Spork, 2020) and PLANTING FRIENDSHIP: PEACE, SALAAM, SHALOM

⭐️ 30 Minute Ask Me Anything with Rebecca Gardyn Levington, author of BRAINSTORM! (Sleeping Bear Press, 2022), WHATEVER COMES TOMORROW (Barefoot Books, Mar 7, 2023), I WILL ALWAYS BE…(HarperCollins, Spring 2024), and AFIKOMAN, WHERE’D YOU GO? (Penguin/Rocky Pond, Spring 2024)

⭐️ Signed Copy of Roxanne Troup’s beautiful MY GRANDPA, MY TREE, AND ME (Yeehoo Press, April, 2023)

⭐️ Signed Copies of Kizzi Roberts‘s books THE ELVES GO MARCHING and THE EGGS GO ROLLING!

Please join me in thanking these very generous authors and other writing professionals for contributing their books and writing expertise as prizes by visiting their websites and blogs, considering their books and services for birthday, holiday or other gift purchases, rating and/or reviewing their books on GoodReads, Amazon, B&N, or anywhere else if you like them, recommending them for school and library visits, recommending their books for school and library purchases, and supporting them in any other way you can dream up! 😊

Now! Get those entries up! Have fun writing something new! Have fun reading the amazing work of your fellow writers! Have fun eating as many miniature chocolate bars as your little heart desires!

Happy Halloweensie!!!

I can’t wait to read your stories!!! 😊

For those of you having trouble commenting, I apologize for the fact that my site is apparently very temperamental! I can suggest the following: if you’re trying to post comments from a phone or tablet, try a computer – sometimes it works better that way. Chrome seems to work better with this site than some of the other browsers, although one dedicated individual, determined to be able to comment, has reported that she finally managed with Microsoft Edge. Thank you for trying – it’s so important for all of you to get to hear from each other!

The 228 entries listed below are linked to where they appear in the comments so you can click on the titles and get right to them! (Assuming WordPress cooperates . . . fingers crossed!) Anyone who feels kind can start at the bottom of the list so those entries get some comments too! 🎃 👻

1. The Most Frightening Halloween Of All! – Katie Schwartz

2. Trick Treat Or Treat. Smell My Feet – Sarah Hawklyn

3. Trick Or Treats – Mikki DeFever

4. The Werewolf – Michelle S. Kennedy

5. A Haunted Treasure Hunt – Ashlee MacCallum

6. The Zoo Super-Intendent – Joy Dickinson

7. Knock On Wood – Heather Kinser

8. The Silver Chain – Teresa Traver/Anne Rollins

9. One Last House – Tyler Ham

10. Above And Beyond – Corine Timmer

11. Hairy Wolf – Bridget Magee

12. Red Riding Hood Goes Trick Or Treating – Elizabeth Meyer zu Heringdorf

13. Prank Or Prophecy? – Colleen Murphy

14. The Rule Of Three – Kathleen MacEachern

15. A Special Secret – Kelly Kates

16. Itchy Witch – Deborah Holt Williams

17. The Halloween Pet Parade – Kelly Clasen

18. Just A Superstition – Lyn Kekowsky

19. Werewolf’s Fright – Janel Caverly

20. What Monsters Wear On Halloween – Elissa Theiss Mazzeo

21. Wereboy – Paul Kurtz

22. Where’s Wolf? Werewolf! – Katie Walsh

23. Werewolf Yummies – Paul Kurtz

24. Cuddlesome Cubbies – Donna Kurtz

25. Beware: Were-cub In Disguise – Jodie Houghton

26. Happy Howl-o-ween! – Donna Kurtz

27. Howl-a-ween – Denise Seidman

28. The Frightfully Superstitious Werewolf – Susan Burdorf

29. Who Can Frighten Skeleton? – Jessie Raspbury

30. Untitled – Shariffa Keshavjee

31. Untitled – Shariffa Keshavjee

32. Untitled – Shariffa Keshavjee

33. Halloweensie Surprise – Elizabeth Thoms Charles

34. It’s Halloween – Janet Parkinson Bryce

35. Werewolf Bites! – Claudine Pullen

36. Sweet Superstition – Kristen Littlefield

37. Where Wolves? There Wolves – Marty Findley

38. Petrified – Mary-Catherine Amadu

39. Beware The Moon! – Jen Subra

40. Changes – Kailyn Dickason

41. My Family Secret – Sharon McCarthy

42. Don’t Get Eaten! – Sarah Hetu

43. The Full Moon Club – Patricia Finnegan

44. Halloween Jitters Revenge – Joyce Uglow

45. The Great Halloween Race – Marta Cutler

46. Scaring For Sugar – Sarah Hetu

47. Hush Little Werepup – Stephanie Maksymiw

48. Earth Is Tricky – Glenda Roberson

49. Werewolves Halloween Bash – Yolanda Danyi Szuch

50. A Human Superstition – Tiffany Hanson

51. Fifty-Eight Pieces Of Candy – Jacqueline Lindsey

52. Werewolf And The Frightening Superstition – Angel Gantnier

53. Attack Of The Werekitty – Linda Staszak

54. It Started With A Bite – Katie Lee Reinert

55. The Woefull Werewolf – Linda Staszak

56. Wilfy Werewolf’s Good Manners – Tracy Curran

57. The Halloween Parade – Lindsay Moretti

58. Werepup’s First Howl – Jessica Iwanski

59. How To Catch A Werewolf At Halloween – Susan E. Schipper

60. Half-Moon Halloween – P.J. Purtee

61. Oooo, It’s Halloween! – Paul Brassard

62. Verily Scarily Night – Marta Cutler

63. When Werewolves Take Baths – Jessica Russo

64. Werewolf, Monster and Witch – Maria Pope

65. A Whoosh, and a Swoosh and a Gurgly Goop – Maria Pope

66. A Superstitious Wish – Susannah Lee

67. The Boy Who Cried “Werewolf!” – Nicole Garnett

68. Moon Ballet – Katrenia Kiger

69. Luck Not Needed – Tracy T. Agnelli

70. Believe Or Not – Tracy T. Agnelli

71. Not Taking Any Chances – JIL

72. Witch And Werewolf – Julie Hauswirth

73. A Howling Halloween – Lynn Moore

74. A Creak and A Sneak -Bri Lawyer

75. Bit By A Werewolf – Bri Lawyer

76. Halloween Lookout – Lisa Billa

77. The Leaf Raking Olympics – Lindsay Moretti

78. Fright Night – Susan Eyerman

79. The Halloween Scoop – Jamie Siebrase

80. Luna, the Not So Scary Werewolf – Melissa Miles

81. Halloween At The Disco – Jamie Donahoe

82. What’s More Frightening? – Anne Lipton

83. Was Wilbur A Were-Squirrel? – Deb Buschman

84. McDoodle’s Pup – Yonglee Deborah Kim

85. What To Wearwolf – Jill Lambert

86. Stories Of Monsters – Laura Polasek

87. The Strangest Halloween – Jenn Kim

88. The Origin Of The Werewolf: the Bronze Age Koryos (NF) – Lauren N. Simmons

89. Drew’s Debate – Marty Bellis

90. Bite Fight – Ryann Jones

91. Kitten’s Halloween – Jaclyn Crawford

92. To Eat Or Not To Eat, That Is The Question! – Charlie Griffin

93. Green Does Not Mean Mean – Linda Glazebrook

94. Mom Gave Me A Werewolf! – Sarah J. Williams

95. Halloween Is Here, Ready or Not – Elisa Teichert

96. Halloween Advice – Paul Roncone

97. Spooky Storytime – Sarah Meade

98. Hilly’s Not-So-Superstitious Halloween – Sarah Meade

99. Hair-Raising Halloween – Sheri Bentley

100. Grizelda Pumkinhead’s Smashing Halloween – MaryAnn Cortez

101. Halloween Howl – Russell Wolff

102. Halloween Night – Mia Geiger

103. The Best Halloween Ever – Armineh Manookian

104. Expected Visitors – Jenna Grace

105. Rougarou’s Bugaboo: A Louisiana Cautionary Tale (Almost) – Sally Yorke-Viney

106. It’s Beginning To Look A Little Creepy – Diana Lynn Gibson

107. Why Werewolves Howl – Laura Badami

108. I’m Not A Superstition – Patti Ranson

109. The Rougarou’s Curse – Trista Herring Baughman

110. Laughing And Giggling On Halloween – Isabel Cruz Rodriguez

111. A Werewolf In School – Susan Lynn-Rivera

112. A Frightful Howl’oween – Lucretia Schafroth

113. Which Wolf? – Melissa Chupp

114. The Haunted House – Shawn Kirby

115. Larkspur Werewolf’s Halloween CompBOOsition – Kandi Zeller

116. Chocolate For Halloween – Marcia Dalphin Williams

117. The Great Halloween Scare – Eleanor Ann Peterson

118. Mr. Skeleton And His Werewolf Bones – Kathleen Jacobs

119. Seven Years Of Bad Howls – Laura Wippell

120. Villa Number Thirteen – Kiran Nair

121. Werewolf VS. Dentist – Abigail Mumford

122. Spell Check – Tara Flake

123. Thirteen Werewolves – Patricia Nozell

124. I’ll Be What?! – Stephanie K. Mena

125. Tick-Tock – Sarah Elynn

126. Werewolf Wants To Share – Lori Bonati

127. Dare To Be Were – Dana Lee Ryals

128. Gordon Goblin’s Halloweensie Stew – Judy Caldwell Hughes

129. Isaac’s Frightful Night – Anna Eklund-Cheong

130. The Coolest Halloween Story Ever! – Carmen Castillo Gilbert, PhD

131. The Backwards Werewolf – Linda Fischetti

132. A Halloween Trick And Treat – Stephanie Flom

133. Rudy, The Werewolf – Lori Himmel

134. The Superstition – Allison Gray

135. Friends With A Werewolf – Lauri C. Meyers

136. Untitled – Martha Holguin

137. A First Halloween – Claudia Sloan

138. A Sight, A Fright, and A Delight – Jean Martin

139. The Hairy Neighbor – Anjali Morard

140. Raven And The Werewolf – Elizabeth Muster

141, Trick IN a Treat – Reed Hilton-Eddy

142. Halloween Spell – Nina Nolan

143. Fright Night Birthright – Helen Addyman

144. Black Cat Saves The Night – Lori Sheroan

145. Rowl The Smiling Werewolf Pup – Tarja Helena Nevala

146. Ivy Hates Halloween – Cindy Sommer

147. Where Wolf? There Wolf! – Bru Benson

148. Trick-or-Treating Time! – Jenna Grace

149. Halloween Howl – Angela Martinelli

150. No Good Tricks Or Treat – Thelia Hutchinson

151. Scared – Sue Ko

152. Fright On Calm – Sue Ko

153. Wee Willie Werewolf – Colleen Fogarty

154. The Who, What and Where Wolf – Julianna Kurtz

155. Flora Won’t Get Scared – Ashley Sierra

156. Dotty Didn’t Listen – Jane Helliwell

157. Heart’s Halloween – Ashley Sierra

158. Proffering The Offering – Ms. Joy

159. Witch Ride – Rhonda T. Spear

160. Haunted Hayride – Rhonda T. Spear

161. Halloween Trick – Mary Beth Rice

162. The Kittens Halloween Party – Dianne Borowski

163. Need A Snack – Yessenia Holm

164. Werewolf Baby – Vashti Verbowski

165. Pockets Out – Lynsey Folkman

166. Halloween Haiku – Corine Timmer

167. Wendy Werewolf’s Biggest Fright! – Amy LaMae Brewer

168. The Ballad Of Wolfgang A. Werewolf – Melissa Miles

169. The Witching Hour – S. J. Barratt

170. Werewolves Of Halloween – Karen LaSalvia

171. Little Dead Riding Hood – Marlee Fuller-Morris

172. Treat Or Be Tricked – Dianna Sussman

173. Werewolf On Halloween – Valerie McPherson

174. The Monster Under The Bed – Diana Sussman

175. Fur Moon – Christina Shawn

176. Right Where They Belong – Mona Pease

177. Unless – Gail Hartman

178. Pink Underwear – Melissa Lasher

179. A Grave Mistake – Keatley Eastman

180. Grounded – Becky Danks

181. The Scariest Thing Of All – Jeanette Fazzari Jones

182. Weirdwolf – Searra Simpson

183. Aunt Howla’s Big Book Of Recipes: Spooky Halloween – Sarah Stauffer

184. Lazy Eddie – Jen Keenan

185. Strange Encounters – Jen Keenan

186. Stingy Jack – Kellie Tune

187. Untitled – Lyudmila Danova

188. Dachsie And Beagle’s Halloween Plan – Dorothy Kohrherr

189. I’ll Be Brave – Dawn Renee Young

190. The Scariest Halloween Night – Carol Jones

191. A Werewolfington Trick-or-Treat – Jan Schwaid

192. Lucky Penny – Daniella Kaufman

193. Scream Of A Dream – Diana Webb

194. Pup – Judy Valko

195. Reversal? – Marla Yablon

196. Halloween Disguise – Colleen Fogarty

197. Werepuppies’ Delight – Katherine Rea

198. Dulces For Mami Nieves – Chicanana

199. The Moonlit Secret – CE King

200. Halloween Snack – Jessica Phillips

201. An Immigrant Werewolf – Danna Zeiger

202. What Happened To Harry? – Judy Sobanski

203. Sally’s Last Minute Costume – Imelda Taylor

204. Spoofed By Foop! – Robert L. Saminsky

205. My Mom Is A Monster. . . A Real One – Royal Baysinger

206. Mr. Werewolf’s Trick – Marie Tang

207. Stanley, The Fluffy Werewolf – Hannah Roy LaGrone

208. Woody The Good Werewolf – Robin Donovan

209. Bright White Moonlight – Helen Addyman

210. Wendy’s Wise Words – Una Belle Townsend

211. Can Howloweensie Stay Away? – Becky Goodman

212. Werewolf Gets A Halloween Makeover – Annette Bethers

213. Fantasmita – Adriana Gutierrez Loza

214. How To Conjure A Cat – Andi Chitty

215. A Skeleton In Wolf’s Clothing – Amy Martinez

216. Kansas City’s Moonlight Star – Amy Martinez

217. A Little Halloween Magic – Patricia Corcoran

218. Truth Be Told – Diana Lynn Gibson

219. Halloween Dinner For Werewolf – Nedra Chandler

220. Wolfgang – Nancy Riley

221. What To Wear – Breanna Henry

222. Howl Knows What The Moon Reveals – Jennifer Schmitz

223. A Halloween Full Moon – Anne Weaver

224. Dear Halloween – Lori Dubbin

225. Ghost Bells – Jennifer Taylor

226. It’s Halloween Night! – Susan R. Waide

227. My Older Brother – Lucia Flevares

228. Black Cat Camp – Amy Duchene

2,281 thoughts on “The 13th Annual Halloweensie Writing Contest aahhhrrrooooOOO!!!

  1. Tiffany Hanson says:

    A Human Superstition
    By Tiffany Hanson
    99 Words

    “Humans are real,” my granddaddy wolf said. I believed him.
    But the other werepups thought I was superstitious.
    I wanted to prove them wrong. I left the mountains the one night of the year it was said humans appear—Halloween.
    I saw small two-legged monsters carrying sacks. Where were the humans?
    “Boo!” one shouted.
    I howled and ran when it said “Stop, please.”
    It pulled off a mask, I saw a small human face.
    “Sorry I frightened you. Here, I got an extra treat for my dog,” he said.
    It was delicious. I smiled. Humans were real after all.

  2. Angel Gantnier says:

    by Angel Gantnier
    93 words

    “Hee! Hee!”
    Werewolf shivered. “You two gave me a fright!”

    “Our trick-or-treat bags are full.”
    “Time for our sleepover at my house.”

    Witch’s eyes grew wide. “Werewolf, you can’t wear your costume to bed.”
    Wombat gulped. “The superstition…”
    Werewolf rolled his eyes. “I don’t believe in superstitions.”
    Werewolf snuggled into his sleeping bag, costume and all.

    Morning came.
    Werewolf shrieked. “Ahhh! I’m a real werewolf!”

    “How do I turn back into me?”
    “I can, can’t I?”
    “Yes… but…”
    “But what?”
    “You have to wait till next Halloween!”
    Werewolf gasped in fright.

  3. Linda Staszak says:

    By Linda Staszak 100 words

    The dreaded Werekitty lurked in the shadows.
    Nearby, unsuspecting Wereguppies frolicked in the fishbowl.
    “It’s fun to swim with full-moon fur,” said Splash.
    “Don’t swim under the ladder—it’s bad luck,” Fang reminded him.
    Splash laughed. “That’s just superstition.”
    Fang noticed movement across the room. “What about black cats?”
    “Another superstition,” said Splash.
    But Werekitty, wearing a frightful mask, crept closer.
    “Ummm…are you sure black cats are just superstition? Look!” glurbled Fang.
    Sproi-n-ngg! Werekitty claws sliced through the water.
    Twoi-n-ngg! Wereguppies bared their fangs and grabbed Werekitty fur.
    “Well played, friends,” Werekitty purred as he padded away. “‘Til next Halloween.”

  4. Katie Reinert says:

    It Started with a Bite
    By Katie Lee Reinert
    Word count: 99

    Some say it’s superstition. Some say it’s fiction. I’m here to tell you it’s so much more.

    It started with a bite one fateful Halloween night.

    When I first transformed, I was frightened and confused. The full moon fading in the sky did little to calm my fears as I became this new, terrifying creature.

    My teeth felt funny as I ran my tongue over them. My legs felt wobbly as I tried to stand. I had hair in the strangest places.

    What had I become?

    My happy life as a werewolf was suddenly interrupted. I had become…HUMAN!

  5. Linda Staszak says:

    By Linda Staszak 96 words

    “Grrrrrrrowl. Snaaarl. Grrk… Gah!”
    Werewolf Jasper gagged and coughed.
    “You got fur in your mouth again, didn’t you?” his sister Charlene snorted.
    She grabbed a brush.
    “Whaa—you’re braiding my fur ?” Jasper shrieked.
    “You can’t be gakking on fur while you’re prowling around frightening people.” Charlene’s eyes twinkled. “I’m making 13 braids.”
    “Nooo, thirteen’s bad luck.”
    Jasper crossed his fingers, err…claws.
    “And I’m using bows.” Charlene smirked.
    “There.” She admired her work. “A superstitious werewolf named Jasper with braided fur—hahahaha.”
    “MOM! If we have to keep Charlene, I need a tougher sounding name.”

  6. Tracy Curran says:

    Wilfy Werewolf’s Good Manners
    by Tracy Curran
    99 words

    In the full moon’s light
    on Halloween night
    a hoooowwl of werewolves
    were spreading fear and fright.

    As superstition said
    these beasts were ones to dread
    and unless you had some silver
    it was best to stay in bed.

    But werepup Wilfy White
    was unusually polite
    and thought it was bad manners
    to give ANYONE a bite.

    “Stop!” he said. “It’s rude.
    These creatures are not food.”
    But his family disagreed.
    (They were a VERY tricky brood.)

    So what did Wilfy do?
    Well, he sneaked back home to brew
    some EXTRA chewy toffee
    which stuck their jaws like glue.

  7. Lindsay Moretti says:

    By Lindsay Moretti
    100 words

    Frightful sounds crackled throughout the school. Winnie couldn’t wait to prowl the hallways in her new werewolf costume!

    As her class lined up to join the Halloween parade…BZZZT…the lights blinked off! Without light, Miss Sanderson announced the parade would have to wait.

    Winnie and her friends eagerly brainstormed ways to ensure the parade would carry on… but came up empty. At last, Winnie had an enlightening idea!

    As each student joined the parade, Miss Sanderson handed them a glowing tea light. Superstitious shadows were cast upon the walls and Winnie danced with them all through the Halloween parade.

  8. Jessica Iwanski says:

    Werepup’s First Howl
    By Jessica Iwanski
    100 Words

    ‘Twas the night meant for hauntings and all through the dark
    Every Halloween monster prepared for their part.

    But one furry fellow hadn’t yet found his howl.
    This little werepup couldn’t do more than growl.

    Then the moonlight began something tingling inside.
    Like a strange superstition, he turned toward the sky . . . .

    His fangs — they glistened!
    His claws — how scary!
    He’d never before been so fearsomely hairy!

    A howl bubbled upward like witch’s brew.
    He suddenly bellowed a wolfish


    It was heard him exclaim
    As he dashed out of sight,
    “Happy howling to all, and to all a good fright!”

  9. seschipper says:

    Susan E. Schipper
    WC 90

    If I wanted to catch a werewolf, especially at Halloween, I know just what I’d do! Set the very best traps!
    Werewolves run fast, thirteen steps a second! (I’m not superstitious about that number 13! No way!) A well-placed stick across the path, THUMP!
    If that doesn’t work, a pillowcase will do! Over his head, he can’t see, I sneak away…with werewolf in tow!
    Uh Oh, one’s chasing me! I’m frightened I wail!
    Then I feel mom’s gentle hug, waking up with a shrug. Halloween werewolf dreams.. UGH!

  10. Jill Purtee (P. J.) says:

    by P. J. Purtee (Jill)
    74 words

    Herman the werewolf
    musters up fright—
    scaring the kids
    on Halloween night.

    To his surprise he’ll
    figure out soon,
    on this Halloween
    there’s not a full moon.

    Werewolves don’t surface
    unless the moon’s full.
    So this Halloween’ll
    be boring and dull.

    Herman is skulking.
    I have a suspicion.
    He’ll spook all the kids
    with an old superstition.

    Costumed in black,
    crossing paths as a a cat,
    he’ll howl a meow,
    scaring children like that.

  11. Paul Brassard says:

    Oooo, It’s Halloween!
    by Paul Brassard
    Word Count: 90

    It’s Halloween, Oooo what a night
    To haunt and howl with friends
    We’ll horrify and fill with fright
    On this our fun depends

    Come vampire, werewolf, gargoyle, goon
    We frightening friends prepare
    To prowl beneath a black cat moon
    In superstition’s lair

    We’ll slink down streets and roads and lanes
    Like zombies we will creep
    But though our costumes chill their veins
    We hope the scare’s skin-deep

    For Halloween’s about the fun
    We’ll scare up treats, my friend
    And haunt and howl till evening’s done
    Good thing it’s all pretend!

  12. Marta Cutler says:

    This is so much fun I had to write a second one! Thanks Susanna!!!

    Verily Scarily Night
    By Marta Cutler
    (88 Words)

    If you go into the streets tonight
    You’re in for a verily scarily fright

    Werewolves waiting with claws to pounce
    Skeletons clacking with bones to trounce

    Witches lurking with ancient spells
    Black cats creeping with spooky bells

    Ghosties gliding with boos to scream
    Vampires hiding with fangs that gleam

    Zombies moaning with heavy feet
    All planning to steal your Halloween treat

    Superstitious you’re wise to be
    From lucky charms they’ll howl and flee

    So, if you go into the streets tonight
    Who’s in for a verily, scarily fright?

  13. Jessica Russo says:

    When Werewolves Take Baths

    When werewolves take baths to get all clean, that must mean it’s Halloween!

    Any other day he’d never scrub away fleas and slimy green.

    Tonight’s the night to stir up fright at the HOWL-O-ROO contest.

    So he’ll dip his toes, hold his nose, and loofa his hairy chest.

    Then he’ll manicure paws and polish claws, mostly out of superstition.

    Soap that he bought makes a hot spot, setting poor pup to itchin’.

    Smell of wet dog hangs in fog, as werewolf howls in pain.

    He scratched out hair until none was there and wound up in the cone of shame!

  14. Maria Pope says:

    Werewolf, Monster and Witch
    by Maria Piñero Pope
    (100 Words)

    Howling winds lifted leaves, carrying smoke from glowing jack-o-lanterns.

    Three figures slipped in amongst costume-clad children.

    and Witch.

    “Are you readyyy?” sneered Witch, scanning the superstitious crowds.




    Alarmed faces screamed, dashing indoors.

    A long crooked finger rang the doorbell.


    “No point in resisting! Hand them over or we’ll get upset!” screeched Witch.

    “You can’t have us!” yelled the children.

    “YOU?! We want TREATS!”

    “Oh! Why cause a fright?” they frowned. Just say ‘Trick-or-Treat!’”

    “Really? OOPS!!” cackled Witch as they mumbled sorry.

    All ventured out to collect treats very nicely, especially…

    Werewolf ,
    and Witch.

  15. Maria Pope says:

    A Woosh, and a Swoosh and a Gurgly Goop
    by Maria Piñero Pope
    (100 Words)

    The time has arrived for what witches must do.
    To stir up a fright with a Halloween Stew.

    I’ve gathered some tails and the zombified juice.
    I even plucked hair off a werewolf’s caboose.

    But one thing is missing, call me superstitious.
    One teaspoon of teardrops from children… delicious!

    A woosh, and a swoosh and a gurgly goop.
    A flash, and a splash and a flubbery floop!

    I flicker my wand and then out comes the creature.
    A colorful horn, its most fabulous feature!

    I sit back and cackle and munch candy corn.

    So ghastly!

    So scary!

    My pink CAT-A-CORN!

  16. sslee1 says:

    by Susannah lee
    (97 words)

    On Halloween at twilight,
    we head to Blackley Lake.
    We always toss our coins in,
    for superstition’s sake.

    But when we reach the water,
    I shiver. Something’s wrong.
    The forest fills with howling—
    a dreadful, wailing song.

    “Protect us from the monsters!”
    I stammer out my wish.
    My penny catches moonlight,
    then splashes like a fish.

    We scramble up the footpath,
    long shadows at our backs.
    But glowing eyes in darkness
    stop us in our tracks.

    They lunge! I scream and cower
    before the furry frights…
    but they slobber us with kisses,
    ‘cause werewolf cubs don’t bite!

  17. Nicole Garnett says:

    The Boy Who Cried “Werewolf!”
    By Nicole Garnett
    Word count: 100

    Once there was a greedy boy.
    Who wanted ALL the candy.

    He had a plan.
    Frighten the trick-or-treaters.

    A full moon AND Halloween?
    The perfect combination for superstitious kids.

    “Werewolf! Run!” he screamed.
    The trick-or-treaters scattered, dropping candy as they dashed home.

    “Hahaha! Too easy!” scoffed the greedy boy.
    Turning down the next street he yelled, “Werewolf! Runnnnn!”

    More candy was collected by the boy.
    He sat down and gobbled up the treats.
    But, he wasn’t alone.


    “Ww-ww-WEREWOLF!” he cried.
    But no one heard him as they hid in their homes.

    Once there was a greedy…


  18. Katrenia Wilcutt says:

    Moon Ballet
    By Katrenia Kiger
    97 Words

    On Halloween eve Earth was a baking prodigy,
    Cleaving apples from trees,
    Branch like fingers scattering leaves,
    Of cinnamon and ginger generously,

    CRUNCH- bounded four werepup claws,
    Little dessert vandals breaking nature’s laws.
    Winnie had no time to pause,

    In their lieu a flier drew, “LOST VOICE! GOES AWOOO.

    Moon laid down Halloween morning,
    Like a superstitious warning.
    Wolves who didn’t sing to Moon,
    Lived lives full of doom.

    Frightened Winnie joined the pack,
    Making up for what they lacked.

    With legs that leapt, a tail that swayed,
    Winnie danced a serene ballet.

  19. authortracytagnelli says:

    Luck Not Needed
    By Tracy T. Agnelli
    Word Count: 75

    Superstitions don’t frighten me.

    No need for

    Lucky penny or

    Four leaf clover

    Walk on a crack

    Under a ladder that does not matter to me.

    Black cat walks in front of me.

    I think it is dandy, so I pull out a candy.

    Never ever am I frightened of

    Vampires, mummies, werewolves, or zombies for

    I will scare them instead.

    I have everything in my head I need.

    If not…

    Speedy I will be.

  20. authortracytagnelli says:

    Believe or Not
    By Tracy T. Agnelli
    Word Count: 100

    Are you ready to go, Fred?

    Almost. Cannot find my mask.

    It is on your head.

    Are you superstitious, Ted?

    No, I walk on a cracks

    And under ladders

    None of that matters to me.

    Black cat walks in front of me.

    I think it is dandy, so I pull out a candy.

    It is all in your head Fred.

    Ted, Are you afraid of vampires, mummies, werewolves, or zombies?

    Never ever am I frightened of

    Vampires, mummies, werewolves, or zombies for

    I will scare them instead.

    How Ted?

    My costume, Fred.

    What scares vampires, mummies, werewolves and zombies,


  21. Jil says:

    Not Taking Any Chances

    “What a fright!
    Wendy’s neighbor had turned pale.” I thought your dog was a werewolf!”

    Wendy hurried by with Calamity, an elderly German shepherd rescue.

    Later, Wendy asked Mom, “What’s a werewolf?”

    “It’s the superstition that some people turn into wolves under a full moon, then back—not something you need worry about.”

    Wendy hugged Calamity.

    “Dear Calamity, you’re such a good wolf-dog now, you must have been a good person!

    Calamity barked.

    “But, I’m keeping you inside when moon is full again,
    just in case moon wants to make you human again. I like you as a dog”

  22. Julie Hauswirth says:

    Witch and Werewolf
    by Julie Hauswirth
    97 Words

    Under a chilly October sky, Sophia the Witch sneaks along a moonlit path.
    She hears the crunch of footsteps behind her…


    Sophia twitches her fingers and fires off a spell…

    Nothing happens.

    With a howl, the werewolf charges.

    He grabs her as laughter erupts from his snout.

    “Caught ya! Sophia, can I please go with you? I promise I won’t be annoying!”
    “Fine… but no more chasing me!” she says.

    They approach a dimly lit village brimming with frightful creatures and superstitions, and search for something delicious to quiet their rumbling tummies…


  23. lynteach8 says:

    Lynn Moore. WC 100
    A Howling Halloween
    Tonight was the night Werepup dreamed of all year long. The Halloween howling contest under the full moon was minutes away.
    Werepup crossed her fingers, maybe this year she’d win. She tied her mask, rubbed her lucky penny, and raced to join twelve werepups practicing frightful yowls.
    “Nooo. Thirteen is unlucky!”
    “You’re superstitious!” teased twelve werepups.
    Werepup gnashed her fangs. “Sure am!”
    The moon loomed bright.
    “Nooo. I lost my lucky penny!”
    The moon loomed even brighter.
    “Silly superstitions. Howling is fun. Even better with friends.”
    Under a brilliant moon, thirteen werepup friends chorused, Oooowhoooo!
    It was a frightful-delightful Halloween!

  24. brilawyer says:

    A Creak and a Sneak
    by Bri Lawyer
    92 words

    My door swings open with a creak.
    Up the stairs a frightful sneak.
    I creep up to take a peek
    For I’m a superstitious freak.
    I spy some creatures so I shriek.
    All my candy they did seek!
    Toffee covers Werewolf’s cheek.
    Lollipops in Raven’s beak.
    Bat lets out a minty squeak.
    On the ground a taffy streak.
    Wrappers with a jelly leak.
    My candy stash is looking bleak.
    I’m so mad I cannot speak.
    Halloween was just this week!
    I guess I’ll borrow THAT technique…


  25. brilawyer says:

    Bit by a Werewolf
    by Bri Lawyer
    85 Words

    I saw while trick or treating
    Some shaking in a tree.
    Out jumped something furry
    And sank its teeth in me!

    You say it was a werewolf?
    Nah, I’m not superstitious.
    But weird things are occurring.
    My friends now look delicious!

    My sense of smell increases.
    I’m faster and much stronger.
    I hate the sight of silver.
    My hair is growing longer!

    The next full moon is rising.
    My claws would cause a fright.
    Oh no, did I just howl?
    That WAS a werewolf bite!

  26. Lisa Billa says:

    Halloween Lookout
    by Lisa Billa
    (100 words)

    On Halloween night, Quentin wore a frightful werewolf suit. Max wore his mailman costume. Neighbors handed out candy– and dog biscuits.

    When Quentin and his friends crossed the street, Max stayed home to sniff out trouble. Fierce pumpkins stood guard on the porch. Ghosts, pirates, or even goblins could be sneaking. Max would stop them.

    He eyed the full moon. WOOF! HE wasn’t superstitious…Trick-or-treaters came and went, never sharing a biscuit.

    Max’s fur stood up as a lone werewolf crept close. GRRR. Then he wagged his tail- HERE’S QUENTIN!

    But, from down the block, “Look, Max! I have treats!”

  27. Lindsay Moretti says:

    By Lindsay Moretti
    100 words

    Jasper, a floaty ghost, found himself at the starting line of the Leaf Raking Olympics…unsure how he got there.

    “Ready…set…GO!” screeched an announcer.

    Jasper watched the superstitious werewolf bound toward his pile of leaves, huffing and puffing. The frightful witch zipped to her leaves, sweeping swiftly.

    Jasper glided to his leaves. He whirled around the leaves until a sudden eruption of color climbed toward the sky in a leaf-nado! Passing the finish line first, his leaves settled into a neat pile.

    The crowd cheered!

    Jasper found a gold medal around his neck…unsure how it got there.

  28. Sue Eyerman says:

    By Susan Eyerman (100 words)

    It was Fright Night.
    The night little werewolves turn into people if they were naughty.
    All the cubs were warned.
    Jorgie was scared.
    When Halloween’s full, blue moon shines high in the sky, everyone will know…
    He ate his brother’s blueberry pie.
    That night, Jorgie hid under his bed. He shook with fear waiting for the moon.
    Would his fur fall to the floor?
    Would his fangs and claws disappear?
    He loved being a wolf cub.
    Jorgie’s sleep was full of nightmares about being human.
    In morning light, Jorgie was Jorgie. Nothing happened.
    Or…did clouds hide the moon’s face?

  29. Jamie says:

    Since we can use the words in any form, I present:

    by Jamie Siebrase
    (100 words)

    “Hoo-hoo,” said the owl on Halloween night. A mischievous soul was out causing fright. “We’ve got to know hoo is behind such a caper, and report on the truth through the Woodland Times paper.” “I’ll figure it out,” said the Who-What-When-Where-Wolf. And deliver a story much shorter than Beowulf. When? But of course, it is All Hollow’s Eve. What? A prankster, putting garlic in trees. The where is the forest, and look! There are tracks. Wolf followed small footprints to the mouse house of Max. “Why?” Where-Wolf asked. He had to inquire. “I’m superstitious,” said Max. “And afraid of vampires.”

  30. Melissa Johnston Miles says:

    Luna, the Not so Scary Werewolf
    by Melissa Miles
    100 words

    For the first time in Luna’s life,
    Halloween hosts a full moon.
    Tonight, her teeth and claws are sharp.
    She’ll HOWL, GROWL, and PROWL—
    her frightening werewolf self.
    No more “how cute!” on Halloween.
    Tonight, she’ll terrify.
    Luna sets out trick-or-treating.
    But everyone still thinks she’s CUTE!
    Luna sobs.
    “What’s wrong?” Katy Kitten asks, her black fur reflecting the moon.
    “I’m not scary.”
    “Follow me,” says Katy.
    A door opens. CREEEAAAAAKKKK.
    Luna is thrilled.
    She’s terrifying!
    Katy will never tell Luna they’d visited the most superstitious house in town.
    Where they’re deathly afraid of black cats.

  31. Jamie Donahoe says:


    By Jamie Donahoe
    (99 words)

    Stevie Wonder’s “Superstition” wailed as Lowell, Lupa and Ralph arrived at Fright’s Hollow Annual Disco.

    “Are you going to ask anyone to dance?” asked Lowell. “No way,” said Ralph.

    “You know what the most frightening thing about Halloween is?” asked Lupa. “Not the music, not the candy, not the darkness, but… “

    “Dancing in public.” Lowell finished for her. Ralph agreed.

    TikTok was one thing, school dances were a completely different animal.

    But then “Bad Moon Rising” suddenly hit the sound system.

    The three young werewolves tossed their fears aside and headed to the dance floor, howling to the beat.

    Story on my blog:

  32. Anne Lipton says:

    What’s More Frightening?
    by Anne Lipton
    (94 words)

    What’s more frightening than a haunted Halloween?
    The superstitious say—the things that go unseen.

    What’s more frightening than the creatures in the light?
    The superstitious say—the shadows in the night.

    What’s more frightening than a werewolf’s lonely howl?
    The superstitious say—a werepack on the prowl.

    What’s more frightening than a werecub’s furry bangs?
    The superstitious say—its frosty baby fangs.

    What’s more frightening than a werepup’s pearly whites?
    The superstitious say—its mama’s chomping bites.

    What’s more frightening than a scary shout of “BOO!”?
    The superstitious say—the werewolf after you!

  33. Deborah Buschman says:

    Was Wilbur A Were-Squirrel?
    By Deb Buschman
    98 words

    A frightened Wilbur clutched a lucky nut as the Halloween moon rose.
    His superstitious grandma claimed the nut would stop him from turning into an evil were-squirrel. There were a few were-squirrels in the family tree.
    Wilbur checked his paws.
    No huge claws.
    Opened his mouth.
    No pointy fangs.
    Examined his eyes.
    No bulgy red eyes—yet.
    Then he heard—
    Leaves crunching.
    Heavy breathing.
    Closer, closer, huge claws, bulgy eyes and fangs dripping with—
    “Hey Wilbur, we missed you trick or treating. Do you want a candy bar?”
    “No thanks. I’ll just gnaw on this nut.”

  34. D. Kim says:

    Title: McDoodle’s Pup
    By: Yonglee Deborah Kim
    Word count: 100

    McDoodle awoke to a frightening howl and discovered a spotted pup with a note: “DO NOT give me water.”

    His curiosity led him to the town’s history museum, revealing a bone-chilling secret: the town’s settlers were once spotted werewolves. According to superstition, these werewolves turned into something… but the last few words mysteriously vanished!

    He wondered if his furry friend shared the same fate. “Nah,” he whispered, “Although, he could use a bath.”

    When he dipped the pup’s paws into water, nothing happened. “Silly superstition,” he scoffed, and fearlessly dunked the pup, transforming him into a CHICKEN.

    McDoodle exclaimed, “DINNER!”

  35. Jill Lambert says:


    By Jill Lambert (100 words)

    Wolfie woke up and checked his calendar:
    Friday the 13th, circled in red — the deadline to find a costume
    for Clawdia’s Halloween party. He dug through his dresser, then the closet.
    What to wear…a vampire cape? He wore that last year.
    A black cat? Double-bad luck on a frightfully suspicious day.
    Wolfie spied something fluffy in the corner – BINGO!
    When he knocked on Clawdia’s door, she winked at his wooly costume and ushered him inside. “I wonder where Wolfie is? Maybe I’ll call him.”
    Wolfie grinned.
    Once he figured out what to wear, dressing up wasn’t so baaaaad.

  36. Laura Polasek says:

    Stories of Monsters
    By Laura Polasek
    (97 words)

    All sleepy little towns have their legends. Stories of monsters passed down child to child, generation to generation. The fright shared, then soon forgotten.

    But not by a boy born eleven years ago this very night. Tales of shifters who hunt down such children – and make them their own – memories of these stories stay longer.

    Henry felt silly about the garlic and silver secreted away in his pocket.

    Just in case…

    But in the end, no superstition could save him. For as the blood red moon rose on All Hallow’s Eve, Henry learned how werewolves are made.

  37. Jenn Kim says:

    The Strangest Halloween
    by Jenn Kim
    99 Words

    The pumpkins are out.
    The lights are all on.
    It’s Halloween night,
    but everyone’s gone!

    Not one single ghost.
    No werewolf in sight.
    There aren’t even monsters,
    to fill kids with fright.

    Where are the tricks?
    Where are the treats?
    Where is the laughter
    to hear in the streets?

    I miss being scared,
    and superstitious.
    This night has been strange—
    very suspicious.

    But then I see them,
    a bush filled with eyes
    I slowly walk up,
    And hear a “SURPRISE!”

    I jump and I giggle
    When I see my friends
    And now I just hope,
    this night never ends.

  38. lnsimmons23 says:

    The Origin of the Werewolf: the Bronze Age Koryos
    by Lauren N. Simmons
    Genre: Nonfiction
    Word count: 96

    Nothing prepared me for entering the Koryos Warriors. My parents abandonned me to join the group on my twelfth birthday.

    I must leave behind my superstitions and believe only in my strength – and that of my brothers. I must forget any fright.

    At midnight, my brothers and I put on wolfskins and run the land to devour enemy territory, becoming like werewolves. When the moon is fullest as autumn truly sets in – on that night of all nights – we howl with the night wind in our faces. We are werewolves, shape-shifted now. We rule the night.

  39. marty bellis says:

    Drew’s Debate
    by Marty Bellis
    wc 82

    Drew debated. What was more frightening?

    A hairy hulk-y werewolf?

    Nah, everybody did that one.

    A blood-sucking vampire bat?

    Maybe, if you were superstitious.

    But he wanted to scare everyone silly.

    Aha! This would do it.

    What could be more frightening on Halloween night, than . . . .

    a furry, bug-eyed, snatching, snarfing, gobbling, slobbering, ranting, raving, ravenous

    Cookie Monster turned . . .

    bwah ha ha ha!

    . . . CANDY Monster,

    out to steal everyone’s treats.

    He tried the costume on, and practiced his eeriest bloodcurdling cry.


  40. Ryann Jones says:

    By Ryann Jones
    (98 words)

    Fangs versus fangs on Halloween night!
    It’s a frightful,

    Werewolf grills Frankenburgers.
    The judges steer clear.
    Fried intestines?

    “Veinilla ice scream, anyvone?” asks Dracula.
    That’s something everyone can sink their teeth into!

    But Werewolf refuses to lose!
    There’s only one way to win . . .

    He spikes superstitious Dracula’s dessert with garlicy steak.

    “Cobweb custard over here!” howls Werewolf.
    That got the judges attention.

    Dracula spitefully contaminates the custard with blood.

    But then . . .

    They eat each other’s meals!

    Neither scored points with the judges,
    but both contenders

  41. Jaclyn Crawford says:

    Kitten’s Halloween

    Do you hear those scary sounds?
    A werewolf howling in the night,
    The rustling gives me quite a fright.
    Could it be a pack of hounds?

    Something creeping in the shadow,
    Four little paws out in the dark.
    The wind is howling cold and stark,
    From far away I hear birds crow.

    Not a monster, not a fiend,
    A tail, two ears and glowing eyes,
    A black cat to my surprise,
    A little kitten left unseen.

    Small and soft and full of pluck,
    It doesn’t look at all vicious
    I wouldn’t call me superstitious,
    But oh no-bad luck!

  42. nycbgriffin says:

    To Eat or Not to Eat, That is the Question!
    By Charlie Griffin
    (100 Words)

    On Halloween night, the werewolf took fright,
    And fled from the graveyard in sheer superstition.
    The creature raced into the gloom out of sight,
    Its pounding heart filled with utter contrition.

    The werewolf felt shame for the man he would bite
    When overcome by his recurring condition.
    He battled his instincts with lunatic might;
    A man is a friend, not a source of nutrition!

    He bit zombies and bats and several cats,
    Hoping that they would be almost as yummy,
    Alas, they were not, so that would be that —
    CHOMP! aahhhrrrooooOOO!!!
    Nothing’s as good as a friend in your tummy!

  43. schittschic says:

    Green Does Not Mean Mean
    By Linda Glazebrook
    (100 Words)

    Within the wolfpack there’s the Halloween superstition of the werepup created by an evil magician.
    The pup was born scraggly and brightly green, with a creepy howl and a heart that’s believed mean.
    All pups are brown and streaked with gray. The pack is frightened of a werewolf colored in a different way.
    Strolling the woods on Halloween night. A pup stumbled upon the green wolf, screaming at the sight.
    “You’re scary to my eyes,” he screeched with fear. “Please go away. Disappear.”
    The green pup cried with great sadness. “I need love like you. My color doesn’t mean badness.”

  44. jagochminadiagnoser says:

    Title: Mom Gave Me a Werewolf! Word count: 98 Author: Sarah J Williams, children’s books author Story: On Halloween, my mom exclaimed, “I’m going to give you a puppy!” We went to a dog seller the same day, and every puppy looked the same except for one. I saw the hairiest, cuddliest, and most frightful puppy I had ever seen. He had yellow eyes filled with superstition, lots of hair everywhere, and a mouth packed with white fangs. “He is called Werewolf,” the seller said to my mom. “You can get him for half the price.” The little Werewolf approached me and licked my hands. That’s when I knew, it’d be him and me forever.


  45. elise304 says:

    Halloween is Here, Ready or Not
    By Elise Teichert
    99 Words

    Eight friends in class talk about stuff
    It’s okay to be different, sure enough!

    Werewolves, goblins, ghosts in the dark.
    Jane says scary, Tai says they’re not.

    Witches and skeletons are not Paul’s thing.
    Bob says scarier’s better than flowers in spring.

    Fred loves pumpkins, gourds and the frights.
    Pip loves winter’s cold days, freezing nights.

    Maya likes things simple, what she can see plain as day,
    Arhan’s into superstitions about black cats crossing his play.

    Ready or not, Halloween is here.
    We’ll put on costumes: scary, silly or weird.
    Eight friends have fun throughout the school year.

  46. Paul Roncone says:

    Halloween Advice
    By Paul Roncone
    Word Count: 100

    “Thanks for coming.”
    Tut invites the girl in.
    “Hear you’re an expert.”

    She nods. “Let’s begin.”

    “It’s my new neighbor.
    Gives me a fright.
    I’m worried he’ll beast out.
    It’s Halloween night!”

    “A werewolf?”

    “As the rumor goes.”

    “Okay. Fact check:
    Large smelling nose?”
    Big eyes to see?
    Sharp fangs to bite?
    Changes his hair
    To Grandmother’s white?”

    “Unsure,” he admits.
    “We’ve not spoken yet.”

    Town gossip’s ruined
    Tut’s mindset.

    “Get outta your tomb.
    Meet him, Mr. Mummy.
    Forget superstitions—
    Rumors aren’t funny.
    Get to know him first:
    Decide bad or good.”

    “You’re right,” Tut smiles,
    “Miss Red Riding Hood.”

  47. Sarah Meade says:

    Spooky Storytime
    By Sarah Meade
    Word Count: 100

    “I hope Halloween storytime isn’t scary,” Baby Bear whispered.
    “Me too,” Goldilocks agreed.
    They met their friends under Old MacDonald’s scarecrow.
    “Nice spider costume, Miss Muffet!”
    “Egg-cellent clown outfit, Humpty Dumpty!”
    “Creepy werewolf suit, Bo-Peep!”
    “Ready for spooky stories?” asked Jack.
    Baby Bear blinked.
    “Umm,” Goldilocks stammered.
    “It’s dark,” said Jill.
    Mary hugged her lamb.
    “Are those bats?” asked Little Boy Blue. “They’re bad luck!”
    Goldilocks shivered. “That’s just a superstition, right?”
    Baby Bear whimpered.
    Mother Goose arrived. . . with jack-o’-lanterns!
    “Halloween stories might be frightful, but pumpkin nightlights are deLIGHTful!”
    Everyone snuggled close while Mother Goose told not-too-spooky stories.

    More October News & Halloweensie 2023

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