Perfect Picture Book Friday – No T. Rex In The Library


It’s Perfect Picture Book Friday again!

I know we had a little mini one last week, but that didn’t really count because I wasn’t really here 🙂  So I’m excited to see what everyone has to offer today!  Here’s mine:

Title: No T. Rex In The Library
Written By: Toni Buzzeo
Illustrated By: Sachiko Yoshikawa
Margaret McElderry Books, February 2010, Fiction

Suitable For Ages: 4-8

Themes/Topics: behavior, imagination, library

Opening: “It’s Tuesday morning in the library.  Tess is out of control.  “Time out!” Mommy shouts.  “No beastie behavior in the library.”

Brief Synopsis: Tess is not exhibiting proper library behavior, so her mother puts her in time out.  But while she’s there, a T. Rex escapes from a book and runs amok.  Will Tess be able to get him under control?

Links To Resources: Curriculum Connections (classroom activities); T. Rex Classroom Activities; Dinosaur Coloring Pages  If you were a T. Rex, what would you do if you got out of your book?  What other characters can you imagine escaping from a book?  What would they do?  Read Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen.  How are the stories alike and how are they different?  How does T. Rex’s behavior compare to Lion’s?

Why I Like This Book: All kids have a little trouble behaving decorously sometimes.  But when Tess gets put in  time out, the adventure is just beginning.  The T. Rex escapes from his book and charges madly around the library, taking Tess (and readers) on a wild tour of the different sections and offering them a glimpse of the treasures they will find there – history, adventure, knights, pirates, and the wild west etc.  Tess goes from  being the one out of control to being the one who has to get the T. Rex under control.  And she manages it based on her own experience, so that the book ends quietly and sweetly.  The art is bright and energetic and fun.  All around a cute book 🙂

For the complete list of books with resources, please visit Perfect Picture Books.

Now.  Because I am behind in catching up from my little internet vacation, I’ve got nothing else to say today.

I know!

It boggles the mind!

But you guys are off the hook 🙂

Run free!  Frolic!  Enjoy everyone else’s PPBF picks! 🙂

And PPBF bloggers, please leave your post-specific links in the list below.

Have a great weekend, everyone.  I’ll see you Monday if I have anything interesting to share :), otherwise Wednesday for Would You Read It!

49 thoughts on “Perfect Picture Book Friday – No T. Rex In The Library

  1. Teresa Robeson says:

    Next time I'm at the library and a little kid is out of control (hmmm, that never happens!), I will know just the book to recommend to the parent! 😉

    This reminds me of the classic Danny and the Dinosaur. That was really fun too.

    Happy Friday, Susanna!

  2. Wendy Greenley says:

    I'm happy dancing that PPBF is back! Everyone introduces me to such great books. Your book, No T. rex in the Library is a great choice–any excuse to re-read and think about Library Lion is a good one. Have a great weekend, Susanna. 🙂

  3. Jarmila V. Del Boccio says:

    Happy New Year, Susanna, and welcome back! What a fun book. It always amazes me to see the creative ideas out there, even though there is “nothing new under the sun.” Good to be back in the groove with PPBFs!

  4. Clarbojahn says:

    Oh I just love this book! I am running to the library to check it out. Sound so cute and adventurous for both the character and author. Can you imagine?

    Susanna, I hope you are having a wonderful little blog break and maybe even a computer break? I try and take them but eventually I go back to the computer and do stuff. Seems like I took a blog break but kept on using the computer for all kinds of writing, everywhere and on my WIP. So now it's over and I didn't really take a break. Not a whole break anyway. Now its' to the grind stone and all that, till summer. 🙂

  5. Sue Heavenrich says:

    I definitely need to find “No T. Rex in the Library”! It looks like lots of fun, and maybe needs to be on the shelf at my library…

  6. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_Erik says:

    I believe I have this book. With the English and Spanish words written on it. 🙂 I loved it. 😀 Great choice! 😉

  7. Vivian Kirkfield says:

    What a great book, Susanna! I just took out a huge stack from the library…now I'll have to start my hold list all over again.:)
    It's good to be back in the #PPBF routine…hope your holiday and brief time off were rejuvenating and fun.
    I know I shouldn't be wishing away the days…but I'm excited for February and Making Picture Book Magic!

  8. Julie Rowan-Zoch says:

    I kept my eyes open just long enough to try and post the first extra title, but not long enough to comment on yours, Susanna! Thanks for opening the PPBF house for us again, and for sharing this title – I am not a super dino fan, but I love the sound of 'T Rex'!

  9. Susanna Leonard Hill says:

    I'm trying to figure out how to schedule my time so I make better use of it, Clar. I'm finding I just don't have enough time to do all the things I want to do… which probably means I should stop adding things to my want-to-do list… 🙂

  10. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_Erik says:

    Tiranosaurio Rex. 😀 The book in Spanish is called “Ningun Tiranosaurio Rex en la biblioteca” 🙂

  11. Rhythm says:

    I'm not a big dinosaur fan, but I do live in the Dinosaur Capital of Texas. Those illustrations are pretty cute and the story line sounds cute enough. I guess I'd better check this one out! thanks!

  12. pennyklostermann says:

    Back to PPBF!!! Yippee! I hated to miss reviewing this time but had unexpected visit from my husband's parents. And heaven forbid that I prepare a post ahead of time just in case something like this comes up!!! I'm a procrastinator deluxe! But…I can't wait to check out the other reviews and to read about Tess and T. Rex! Sounds adorable!

  13. Susanna Leonard Hill says:

    I'm glad you're not the only one who doesn't prepare ahead of time Penny 🙂 It makes me feel a little better about the fact that I have to have my post up for tomorrow on a few hours and I haven't even decided on a book yet 🙂