The 10th Annual Halloweensie Writing Contest ~ aahhhrrrooooOOOOO!!!!!

Viper fangs and dragon claws. It’s time for. . .


Halloweensie Pumpkin

~ for children’s writers ~

The Contest: write a 100 word Halloween story appropriate for children (children here defined as 12 and under) (title not included in the 100 words), using the words skeleton, creep, and mask.  Your story can be scary, funny, sweet, or anything in between, poetry or prose, but it will only count for the contest if it includes those 3 words and is 100 words (you can go under, but not over!)  Get it?  Halloweensie – because it’s not very long and it’s for little people 🙂  (And yes, I know 100 words is short, but that’s part of the fun and the challenge!  We got over 325 fantastic entries last year, so I know you can do it!)  Also, you may use the words in any form – e.g. skeletons, creepy/crept, masked/unmasked, whathaveyou 🙂  NO ILLUSTRATION NOTES PLEASE! (And yes, you may submit more than one entry if you’re so inclined 🙂 )

Post: your story on your blog between right now this very second and Saturday October 31st by 11:59 PM Eastern Time and add your post-specific link to the list below.  There will be no Tuesday Debut, Perfect Picture Book or Would You Read It posts for the duration of the contest so the links will stay up for everyone to visit and enjoy.  If you don’t have a blog and would like to enter, you can simply copy and paste your entry in the comments section below (please include your byline if your posting handle is something like MamaWritesByNightlight so I can identify you.)  If you have difficulty posting in the comments, which unfortunately sometimes happens, you may email your entry to me at susanna[at]susannahill[dot]com and I’ll post it for you.  Please place your entry in the body of the email including your title and byline at the topNO ATTACHMENTS!  And please do not submit entries in more than one place because it becomes confusing.

The Judging: in a grueling marathon over the following days, my devoted assistants and I will narrow down the entrants to 3 6 9 12? top choices (give or take… you know how hard it is to choose!) which will be posted here and voted on for a winner on Wednesday November 4th or Thursday November 5th (if the judging takes longer than we expect if could be later…but we will do our best!)  The winner will be announced on Monday November 9th (good lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise 😊 )

Judging criteria will be as follows:

  • 1. Kid-appeal! – These stories are intended for a young audience (ages 12 and under), so we’re looking for stories that children will enjoy and relate to.
  • 2.  Halloweeniness – the rules state a Halloween story, so it must be crystal clear that the story is about Halloween, not just some random spooky night.
  • 3. Quality of story – entries must tell a story, including a main character of some kind and a true story arc even if it’s tiny 🙂  Entries must not be merely descriptions or mood pieces.
  • 4. Quality of Writing: check your spelling, grammar, punctuation etc.  If you’re going to rhyme, give us your best 😊  Overall writing quality and use of language are also important.
  • 5. Originality and creativity – because that is often what sets one story above another.
  • 6. PLEASE FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS! Large numbers of entries make it easy to cut entries that haven’t been entered as we asked.

The Prizes:  SO AMAZING! What a generous community we have to donate so much awesomeness!!! 😊

1 – Get Your MS in Tip Top Shape With Vivian Kirkfield!

Vivian is offering a PB MS Critique (fiction or nonfiction/rhyming or prose), along with a 30 minute Skype or FB video chat to discuss, along with a read-through of the revision. And top it all off she will also help you with a query/cover letter edit to go with your polished up ms! WOW!

Vivian Kirkfield is the author of SWEET DREAMS, SARAH (Creston Books, 2019), PIPPA’S PASSOVER PLATE (Holiday House, 2019), FOUR OTTERS TOBOGGAN (Pomegranate 2019), MAKING THEIR VOICES HEARD (Little Bee, January 14, 2020), and more…

Making Their Voices Heard Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at 10.39.16 PM

2 – Penny’s Two Cents – an incredible opportunity for any picture book writer!

Sometimes it’s helpful to chat with a published author about your writing journey. Penny Parker Klostermann is offering her two cents. The prize includes General/Big-Picture Feedback on one picture book manuscript + One 30-Minute Chat (Rhyming or prose-750 words or under) Penny doesn’t claim to have it all figured out, (by any means) but she’s happy to share her two cents based on what she’s learned and continues to learn on her journey as an author.

Penny is the author of THERE WAS AN OLD DRAGON WHO SWALLOWED A KNIGHT (Random House 2015) (now available in board book and with matching pajamas! 🙂 ) and A COOKED-UP FAIRY TALE (Random House 2017)

Penny Klostermann Cooked-Up Fairy Tale 2c5b9-dragon2bcover

3 – Picture Book Manuscript Critique (rhyme or prose) from Carrie Finison, author of DOZENS OF DOUGHNUTS (Putnam, July 2020) and DON’T HUG DOUG (forthcoming from Putnam in January 2021.)

Carrie-Finison-200x300 Screen Shot 2019-10-27 at 8.35.37 AM Don't Hug Doug

4 – Picture Book Manuscript Critique from Lydia Lukidis, author of NO BEARS ALLOWED (Blue Whale Press 2019) and many educational titles.

Lydia Lukidis        No Bears Allowed

5 – Picture Book Manuscript Critique (fiction or nonfiction) from Teresa Robeson, author of Queen of Physics (Sterling, 2019) and Two Bicycles In Beijing (Albert Whitman, 2020)

Picture Picture Picture6

6 – Picture Book Manuscript Critique from Kirsti Call author of The Raindrop Who Couldn’t Fall (Mazo Publishing, January 2019),  Mootilda’s Bad Mood (Little Bee, September 2020), as well as COW SAYS MEOW (HMH) and COLD TURKEY (Little Brown) which will release in 2021.

  Kirsti Call

7 – Picture Book Manuscript Critique from Ellen Leventhal, author of DON’T EAT THE BLUEBONNETS (Spork 2017), LOLA CAN’T LEAP (Spork 2018), and HAYFEST A HOLIDAY QUEST (ABCs Press 2010)

Ellen Leventhal       Don't Eat The Bluebonnets

Hayfest     Lola Can't Leap

8 – Picture Book Manuscript Critique from Heather Gale, author of Ho’onani Hula Warrior (Tundra Books, October 2019)

Heather Gale

9 – a personalized signed copy of The King Cake Baby  and 15 Minute “Ask Me Anything” Video Chat with Keila Dawson, author of The King Cake Baby (Pelican 2015), No Voice Too Small: Fourteen Young Americans Making History (Charlesbridge 2020), and Opening The Road: Victor Hugo Green and His Green Book (forthcoming from Beaming Books, January 2021)

Keila Dawson

10 – Making Picture Book Magic Self Study – an online picture book writing class – any month of winner’s choice!


11 – a personalized signed copy of EITHER  ROCK AND ROLL WOODS (PB) or an ARC of SPIRITS AMONG US (MG) from author Sherry Howard

Sherry Howard (4)Cover Rock and Roll Woods Spirits Among Us

AND a personalized signed copy of TWO DOGS ON A TRIKE (Abrams Appleseed, May 2020) by Gabi Snyder

twodogsonatrike_cov gabi-snyder-profile-pic

12 –  a personalized signed copy of NOT SO SCARY, JERRY (Spork, 2017) by Shelley Kinder

Jerry shelley-kinder_orig

AND a personalized signed copy of MARS’ FIRST FRIENDS: COME ON OVER ROVERS! (Sourcebooks 2020) by Susanna Leonard Hill

Please join me in thanking these very generous authors and other writing professionals for contributing their books and writing expertise as prizes by visiting their websites and blogs, considering their books and services for holiday or other gift purchases, rating and/or reviewing their books on GoodReads, Amazon, B&N or anywhere else if you like them, recommending them for school visits, or supporting them in any other way you can dream up 😊

Now then, my pretties! It’s past the witching hour in the dead of night – very appropriate for a Halloween story, don’t you think? – and the time has come for me to embarrass myself my sample entry which should fill you with confidence in your own MUCH MUCH better efforts!!!

A pumpkin moon
A ghostly ship
A still lagoon
Tattered sails
Like swirling mist
Ancient rigging
Creaks and twists
Skull and crossbones
Striking fear
Warning sailors
Far and near
Captain Jack
Comes thump-a-peg
Limping on
His broomstick leg
“Steady now,”
breathes Captain Jack,
“Mustn’t blow
our sneak attack!”
The ghost ship glides
Closer . . .
Closer . . .
On the tides
Guided through
The murky blue
By the ghastly
Skeleton crew
it comes abreast
uninvited guest
nearing windows
warm with light
no idea
of their plight
Captain Jack
Deceit complete
Unmasks and shouts out, “Trick-or-treat!”

It’s truly spooky how willing I am to embarrass myself for you! 😊😊😊 

I can’t wait to read all of your entries!  I’m so looking forward to them!  I hope there will be a lot – the more the merrier!  And there are still nearly 3 days to write, so you have time if you haven’t written yet.  Feel free to spread the word to your writing friends as well.  And your reading friends – parents, teachers, etc.  The more people who read and enjoy your stories, the better!!!

Contest Entrants, remember to add your post-specific link to the google form below so we can all come read your awesome stories!  (Post-specific means not your main blog url, but the actual url of the post that has your story in it – otherwise if you post again before the contest ends, your link will take readers… and judges!… to the wrong place!)

Eager Readers – just go along the list of links, click on them, and enjoy the stories! 

Happy Writing and Happy Halloween!!! 😊  🎃

And don’t miss the 169!!! fabulous entries that are posted in the comments
below! (Hopefully each one is a link, but thanks to the new wordpress, I’ve redone the list twice with uncertain success!)
  1. Midnight Rescue – Laura Bost
  2. You Don’t Scare Me – Brenda B. Covert
  3. Rattle, Rattle Skeleton – Vashti Verbowski
  4. Corona’s Evil Plan – Marty Findley
  5. Littlest Witch’s Wild Ride – Marty Findley
  6. Shy Skeleton’s Dance – Marty Findley
  7. A Night Out. . . – Deb Sullivan
  8. See Billy Bony – Helen Addyman
  10. Scare School – Laura Howard
  11. Is It Time? – Sue Lancaster
  12. The Skeletons’ Masked Ball – Sue Lancaster
  13. Halloween Masquerade – Jamie Donahoe
  14. The Curse of Halloween – Bru Benson
  15. Halloween Hesitation – Beth Volkmann
  16. The Phantom Of The Library – Natalie Cohn
  17. Trick Or Treat – Alli Straus
  18. No Bones About It – Judy Sobanski
  19. Family Business – Natalie Cohn
  20. Tattered Treats – Marilyn Garcia
  21. Halloween Surprise – Anna Ouchchy
  22. A Spider’s Tale – Darcee A. Freier
  23. Grandfather’s Clock – Sarah Heaton
  24. Halloween Peeps – Jamie Donahoe
  25. Mystery Guest – Dawn Young
  26. Nelly O’Skelly – Danielle Sharkan
  27. First Halloween – Carol Jones
  28. One Noisy Halloween – Rebecca Thill
  29. Polly’s Not-So-Perfect Potion – Susan Summers
  30. Masquerade – Kathiann Weatherbee
  31. Howl-o-weenie – Ashlee Hashman
  32. Trick Or Treat – Stephanie Mena
  33. Skelly The Skeleton – Michelle S. Kennedy
  34. Trudy’s Toothy Halloween – Kelsey Gross
  35. Class Pet Trickery! – Mary Bleckwehl
  36. Hola Halloween! – ‘Boo Darkling’ (Roo Parkin)
  37. BOO! – Rebecca Woodall
  38. Haunted – Anne Lipton
  39. Creepy D’s – Martha Holguin
  40. Trick Or Treat – Marla Yablon
  41. Skellie’s Closet – KeelyWrites
  42. Skelly B. Skeleton – Cathy Chester
  43. When Skally Nearly Didn’t Show His Face – Diana Webb
  44. Sammy Goes Home – Courtney Rubo
  45. GRRRRRRRRRR! – Donna Kurtz
  46. Teeth Love HalloweenToo! – Donna Kurtz
  47. The Halloween Fair – Donna Kurtz
  48. Skeleton And Ghostina – Gail Hartman
  49. Little Bonesy Loves Halloween! – Paul Kurtz
  50. Mousey’s Batty For Halloween! – Paul Kurtz
  51. Spider-Claws Is Comin’ To Town – Paul Kurtz
  52. A Bone-afide Friend – Kristen Reinsel
  53. Wendy’s Sugar Spell – Caitlin Eslinger
  54. A Very Scary Halloween – Kerrie Elizabeth Godding
  55. Haunted Hallo-weave – Cathrene Valente Youngquist
  56. Spider’s Can’t Dance! – Cathrene Valente Youngquist
  57. The Beady Eye – Libby Hartwell
  58. Stitch – Amy Duchene
  59. Halloween Surprise – Sarah Hawklyn
  60. Four Dancing Skeletons – Isabel Rodriguez
  61. First Trick-or-Treat – Carol Samuelson-Woodson
  62. BIG Boney Story – Yolanda Danyi Szuch
  63. Skeleton Knights – Islancy Guada
  64. Halloween, This Year – Nina Nolan
  65. The Arnold Rock – Polly Sheldon
  66. Skeleton’s Scare – Erin K. McCabe
  67. Skeleton’s In The Closet – Karen Keesling
  68. Vampire And Skeleton Go Shopping – Jay Reece
  69. Haiku – Corine Timmer
  70. Opportunity Wanders – Florbela Nienaber  
  73. The Skele-Mummy – Linda Staszak
  74. All On A Halloween Night – Linda Staszak
  75. Creep A Little Closer – Yvonne McCutchen
  76. Moonlight Party – Yvonne McCutchen
  77. Stella Decorates – Melissa Warren
  78. Candy Heist – Sarah Hawklyn
  79. Pillows In Pants – Christine Menke
  80. The Masked Skeleton – Deborah Dolan Hunt
  81. Mask Required – Lucretia Schafroth
  82. Psyched Out – Karen Pickrell
  83. The Case Of The Missing Skeleton – Karen Pickrell
  84. All Hallows’ Eve – Liz Kehrli
  85. My Worst Thirty-first – Obbverse
  86. Scary Mary – Geraldine Jones
  87. Sweet Escape – Allison Strick
  88. Bones: A Love Story – Keatley Eastman
  89. Phoebe’s Magic Stew – Linda Hofke
  90. Paco And The Skeletons – Katie Schwartz
  91. Lester Skeleton’s Halloween Hunt – Ford Waight
  92. Little Frankie Patches Things Up – Rozana Rajkumari
  93. Witch’s Fiery Broth – Corine Timmer
  94. Jack’s Halloween – Kara Sibilia
  95. The Jolly Skeleton – Linda Staszak
  96. Sammy Skeleton’s Warm Halloween – Lily Erlic
  97. Slinky Skeleton – Penelope McNally
  98. Annabelle’s Halloween – Penelope McNally
  99. The Hungry Corpse – Robert Schechter
  100. Little Goblin’s Halloween – Kathleen Mazurowski
  101. The Curse – Glenda Roberson
  102. Moving Day – Laura Bower
  103. Halloweenie – Lauren Harris
  104. Letter On The Door – Jessica Reed
  105. Sebastian’s Halloween – Polly Owen
  106. Skeleton’s Halloween Party – Polly Owen
  107. Halloween High Jinx – Stacey Miller
  108. Weensie’s Potion – Lisa Lee Furness
  109. The Nightmarish Place – Suzie Olsen
  110. I’m Not Scared – Desirae Moten
  111. What A Haul! – Diane Hanington
  112. The Halloween Trick – Aimee Larke
  113. A Skeleton’s Fright – Nadia Ali
  114. The Maple Tree Fright – Rebecca Allain
  115. Creepy Cookie Night – Annette LaFortune Murray
  116. The Night Stacey Saved Halloween – Autumn Haley (age 8)
  117. The Skeleton Ball – Jenny Caddy
  118. The Halloween Car Parade – Laura Bower
  119. The Halloween Ball – Crystal Lamb
  120. A Halloween Scare – Sarah Hetu-Radny
  121. Skeleton And Jack – Jennifer Bochonowicz
  122. Halloween – Marjorie David
  123. Ben’s Biggest Fear – Maria Pichler
  124. Skeletons – Patty Wright
  125. GHOST On The COAST – Becky Loescher
  126. The Scare Dare – Nancy Derey Riley
  127. Lonely Spider’s Dance – Danielle Sharkan
  128. Things That Go Cronk – Carla Bourne
  129. Grrrr! Brothers! – Susan Drew
  130. Midnight Mortal Ball – Nicola Thackrey
  131. The Monsters Of Halloween – Ryan Roberts
  132. The Perfect Halloween Present – Jenny Buchet
  133. Hopeless Heist – Karyn Curtis
  134. A 2020 Halloween Bash – Kristen Foote
  135. Boneyard Ballet – Jennifer Broedel
  136. Halloween Night – Di Litwer
  137. Tom Bones Goes Rogue – Marty Bellis
  138. A Bone-Fide Halloween Tale – Marty Bellis
  139. Dad’s Halloween – Lisa Lipsey
  140. Final Moments – E. Elle Bea
  141. How To Hug A Ghost – Cathy Lee Patterson
  142. Not This Year! – Carmen Castillo Gilbert, PhD
  143. Shh! Party In My Room! – MeiLin Chan
  144. Little Witch – Tracy Detz
  145. A Pumpkins Story – Christine Graham
  146. Beware Of Humans – Janelle Springer-Willms
  147. Beware Of Skeletons – Lea Boyd (age 8)
  148. Little Badger’s Great Big Scare – Bridget Grey
  149. Lightning And A Mask Of Stars – Rhett Trull
  150. Creature Of The Night – Lindsey Aduskevich
  151. Thorny Lane’s Treasure – Rhonda Gatlin
  152. Argleby’s New School Adventure – Echo Roben
  153. A Cat-astrophic Halloween – Elizabeth Meyer zu Heringdorf
  154. Two Can Play – JC Kelly
  155. Mia’s Halloween Celebration – Lily Erlic
  156. Seven Jack-O-Lanterns – Mary Arkiszewski
  157. A-Z: Who’s Behind Me? – Ashley Congdon
  158. The Attic Mask – Barbara DiMarco
  159. Not-So-Happy Halloween – Claire Schlinkert
  160. The Skeleton Creep – Tracy Curran
  161. The Brown, Brown Boots On The Cold, Cold Floor – Crystal Lamb
  162. Hedgehogs In The Garden – Nicola Holden
  163. Home Sweet Home – Mona Pease
  165. All Bones – Desi Valle
  166. Hallowcake Cravings – Katie Pals
  167. Foggy Halloween – Denise Seidman
  168. Halloween Is Scary – Valerie McPherson
  169. The Sweetest Halloween Treat On Earth – Jill Burns 

1,001 thoughts on “The 10th Annual Halloweensie Writing Contest ~ aahhhrrrooooOOOOO!!!!!

  1. Linda Staszak says:

    By Linda Staszak 99 words

    “I don’t want to be a spider anymore,” said Zelda.
    “It’s not a choice, you are a spider,” said Mom.
    “Nobody likes spiders,” whined Zelda. “I’m going to be a bat. No, a skeleton. Skeletons are jolly.”
    “Skeletons aren’t jolly. They’re creepy, scary piles of bones.”
    But Zelda was busy painting bones on her legs.
    “That’s pink paint,” said Mom.
    “I like pink,” said Zelda.
    Mom frowned. “Bones aren’t pink.”
    Zelda twirled and admired herself in the mirror.
    “It needs something else.” She pulled on a smiley-face mask.
    “That’s ridiculous,” said Mom.
    “It’s make-believe, Mom” said Zelda. “Happy Halloween!”

  2. lilyerlic says:

    This is a story about sharing and caring with friends.

    Sammy Skeleton’s Warm Halloween

    Sammy Skeleton rattled his bones down the cold castle hallway. Creep, creep, creep.
    “It’s cold in here! I’m chilled to the bone,” said Sammy.
    “How can we get ready for Halloween?” asked Skelton Mouse shivering.
    “Well, rattle my bones, I need to think of something!”
    Sammy Skeleton turned up the heat but it was too hot.
    He turned on the fireplace but the heat was too low.
    He found a mask but it only kept his face warm.
    “It’s still c-c-cold,” said Skelton Mouse.
    Sammy’s invisible brain whirled. COATROOM!
    Sammy Skeleton gave his coats to Skelton Mouse and his friends.

    The End.

  3. Penelope McNally says:

    By Penelope McNally

    Slinky Skeleton loves trick or treating. Bones a-jumpin’, he bops outside as soon as darkness falls. Boom! His empty eye sockets spy them straight away. Mini me skeletons, skipping through the streets, bags a-bulgin’ with delicious treats.

    Chocolate, caramels, chewy candy corn…his toothless mouth waters. Gurglin’ growls groan from his tummy-less hole.

    Bones a-creakin’, he creep creeps up and tap taps the shoulder of a mini me skeleton. “BOO!” he shrieks, clankin’ and janglin’ his bones.

    Jumpin’, screamin’ and masks a-flyin’, candy flutters down every which way. He grins and gulps a gooey gummy bear. Trick or treat, Slinky style.

  4. Penelope McNally says:

    By Penelope McNally

    Hurry get your costume, don’t be so pokey slow
    Everybody’s waiting; it’s time for us to go!

    Skeletons and witches roaming up and down our street,
    Pushing every doorbell, yelling out, “trick or treat!”

    Up the street we run, and go skipping down another
    “Faster Annabelle,” yells out my older brother.

    My bag is getting heavy, my arms are feeling weak.
    “Are we almost finished?” I can barely speak.

    Finally up the stairs I creep, Dad opens up our door
    Masks off, bags dumped, candy on the floor.
    Mix, trade, take a bite…drooping eyes…well, maybe just one more.

  5. Robert Schechter says:


    My skin is crumbling, so I mask it,
    creeping from the moldy grave.
    A hundred years inside a casket
    might explain why I now crave

    a decent meal. I think I’m liable
    to snarf your every body part,
    beginning maybe with an eyeball,
    ending with your beating heart.

    And for my Halloween dessert,
    I think I’ll grind your skeleton.
    You’ll be dead, so it won’t hurt,
    and bones make such great gelatin.

  6. Kathy Mazurowski says:

    Little Goblin’s Halloween
    by Kathleen Mazurowski

    Tickety-dee, Tickety-boo,
    What’s a little goblin do?
    It’s Halloween eve,
    pumpkins are perfect, but…
    I’m afraid of all the BOO!

    Tickety-dee, Tickety-boo,
    What’s a little goblin to do?
    It’s Halloween day,
    cobwebs are creepy, but…
    I’ll wear a mask and walk with you.

    Tickety-dee, Tickety-boo,
    What’s a little goblin to do?
    It’s Halloween night,
    skeletons are scary, but…
    I feel safe when I’m with you.

    Tickety-dee, Tickety-boo,
    This brave little goblin says
    Happy Halloween to you!

  7. Glenda Roberson says:

    The Curse (99 words)
    Glenda Roberson

    It’s All Hallows’ Eve and now’s the time
    for ghosts to seek the forgiving.
    A thin veil of mist divides the worlds,
    so we can visit the living.

    I caused the crash that took her child,
    and now I need my redemption.
    She cursed me in my mask of death,
    requiring a curse exemption.

    I creep within the world she’s in.
    Her skeleton’s all I can find.
    The portal slams. I can’t go back.
    Her permanent curse, now assigned.

    I hide the keys—make engines fail,
    performing my restitution.
    Each helpful haunting I complete,
    is a cry for absolution.

  8. Laura Jensen Bower says:

    Moving Day
    By Laura Bower

    A werewolf and a skeleton –
    the very best of friends.
    Until a moving sign went up!
    Now, would their friendship end?
    Wolfie cried and Skelly tried
    out ways that he could stay.
    He grabbed his mask for Halloween
    but much to his dismay,
    his parents knew that it was him
    and made him start to pack.
    He tried to creep to Wolfie’s house
    but they just brought him back.
    “Aha, I’ve got it!” Skelly said.
    “I’ll borrow Witchy’s broom,
    so we can see each other
    when we get sick of Zoom!

  9. LaurenRHarris (@LaurenRHarris2) says:


    Puppy wants to dress up for Halloween.
    Should he be a pirate?
    No, he doesn’t want treasure. He just wants snacks.
    Should he be a vampire?
    No, he’s afraid of the dark, and doesn’t like bats.
    Should he be a skeleton?
    No, he prefers to bury his bones down deep.
    Should he be a spider?
    No, his legs are too short to properly creep.

    Puppy thinks and thinks and thinks some more.
    Should he wear a suit? A cape? A mask for all to see?
    He thinks of all the foods he likes…
    He’ll be a Halloweenie!

  10. Jessica Reed says:

    Letter on The Door
    by Jessica Reed

    Dear Trick-Or-Treaters,

    I don’t wear a mask, yet I send people running
    every Halloween night.
    I don’t CREEP, I just CREAK, as my skeleton’s weak
    from years of termites that bite.

    I whistle and moan when I feel a breeze
    Though really, I am quite nice.
    To some I am old, and I’ve been told
    My insides are colder than ice.

    Please come inside, don’t run and hide.
    I’m not haunted, I want you to stay.
    When I rattle my doors, window, or floors
    It’s my way of trying to play.

    Old House

    P.S. Please Wipe Your Feet!

  11. Polly Owen says:

    Thanks for running such a great, fun competition, Susanna! Here’s my entry…

    Sebastian’s Halloween
    by Polly Owen (99 words)

    Halloween was a time that Sebastian knew,
    he could just relax, be himself and be true.
    No creeping, no masking… he’d swagger with pride,
    With worms in his sockets and dead haggard bride.
    In fact he could win any contest around,
    His costume perfected – 10 years in the ground.
    Tonight was no different, as mouths dropped in awe…
    (But only a skeleton’s could hit the floor).
    Yet something was different. The screaming, quite new.
    The fainting and sickness, was more than a clue.
    As Sebastian sauntered around, “Trick or treat?”
    The people retorted – “It’s Tuesday next week!”

  12. Polly Owen says:

    Skeleton’s Halloween Party
    by Polly Owen (98 words)

    Little Skeleton could hardly sleep. In a few hours she’d party up top with the humans.
    But what was that noise getting louder?
    Creep…. scratch… Bang!
    “We’ve found them, boys!”
    “Oh no! The masked tomb raiders.”
    The skeletons were packed up and driven away, as the full moon shone.
    Suddenly they screeched to a halt!
    “It’s a werewolf! Leg it, boys!”
    The skeletons climbed up front. “Can you drive?”
    “Nope. But here goes!”
    “Hang on!” said Little Skeleton, opening the door….
    “Come on Fluffy! Who’s a good girl?!”
    Today was going to be the best Halloween ever!

  13. stacey miller says:

    Halloween High Jinx

    By Stacey Miller (100 words)

    Skeleton and Creep loved conjuring chaos!
    They Pinched Witchy-Poo’s potion,
    Thieved Prank-enstien’s fart powder,
    And even stole Vamps false fangs.
    They gobbled the goodies and spat out.
    Ghost-tastic glittery glue!
    “Our Monster mates are in for a sticky situation!” gushed the gleeful ghosties.
    But as glue glooped and glopped,
    Witchy-Poo’s broom batted it back.
    Skeleton and Creep became…
    Sparkly, sticky spectres!
    “You didn’t have a ghost of a chance,” cackled Witchy-Poo.
    “We saw straight through you!” cried Vamps.
    “You can never Prank, The Prank-enstein!”
    “We’ll be good ghosties,” mumbled Creep.
    “Until next Halloween,” whispered Skeleton masking a smile.


  14. Lisa L Furness says:

    By Lisa Lee Furness

    Trick or treaters loved to prank Weensie Witch by knocking on the door then

    running away.

    Fed up to her brim with their trickery, she prepared the perfect potion.

    As dusk crept up on the night, Weensie waited.


    “Who’s there?” she shouted.

    “Hallo.” A masked monster mumbled.

    “Hallo who?”

    “Hallo, Weensie.” A skeleton suit snickered.

    When Weensie opened the door they scattered but not before she had sprayed them with her



    They disappeared into thin air.

    “You can’t trick me, anymore!” she said pleased her potion had worked until…


    “Who’s there?” Weensie wondered.


  15. Suzie Olsen (@STEMSpark) says:

    The Nightmarish Place

    The little skeleton creeped around the corner. The toilet paper isle was hauntingly empty. But she continued. She was determined to finish her quest. The meat isle was also creepily eerie. There was not a single pork chop in sight. But what she saw next scared her to her bones: an adult without a mask! All I wanted was just some gelatin, she thought, but this place is too scary for me! And so, the little skeleton ran as fast as she could, never looking back on the nightmarish place that is called the grocery store.

  16. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    I’m Not Scared by Desirae Moten

    “Mom, where’re my grizzly shoes?”
    “In here, Marigold.”

    Her mom creeps up behind her.

    “Such an old trick.”

    “Danny, are you hiding in my room again?” Marigold asks. “Not on my bed!”

    “Skeleton bones? That’s not scary.” Marigold’s unfazed.

    Then, something bumps her feet.
    “Hahaha, come on Danny. My mask is scarier.”
    “Th-That’s because y-y-you’re a bear!” Danny screams.

    “Alright, I got my trick-or-treat bag. I’m ready to go.
    This isn’t funny.”

    “Y-Y-You were out h-h-here the whole time?”

    “Yeah, we gave up trying to scare you.”
    “I thought you left without me.”

    “You were scared? YES!”

  17. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    By Diane Hanington (91 words)

    Skeleton, Skeleton, Shiver and Shake
    Now Halloween’s here
    It’s time you awake

    Skeleton, Skeleton, Rattle and Rise
    Already with mask
    Void sockets for eyes

    Skeleton, Skeleton, Teeter and Trip
    You head into town
    At a zealous clip

    Skeleton, Skeleton, Screaming and Squeals
    Frightening the children
    They take to their heels

    Skeleton, Skeleton, Ranting and Roars
    “The candy’s all mine!
    Throw open the doors!”

    Skeleton, Skeleton, Torment and Tease
    Grabs handfuls of treats
    You’ll do as you please

    Skeleton, Skeleton, Success and Scored
    Creep back to your grave
    With your scrumptious hoard

  18. Aimee Larke (@ar_larke) says:

    The Halloween Trick
    By Aimee Larke (99 words)

    Skeleton shuffled down the stairs feeling sad and out of sorts as he cradled his arm.
    His dog was always playing tricks on him, but this Halloween trick had gone too far.
    He could hear Mr. Bone Jangles’ laughter coming from outside.
    Skeleton put on a mask to disguise himself and started creeping across the yard.
    The laughter grew louder as he neared the doghouse.
    Creep…creep… “Boo!” yelled Skeleton
    The laughter stopped and Mr. Bone Jangles leapt back in fear, dropping the bone from his mouth.
    “AhHa! Scared you!” said Skeleton. “Now give me back my funny bone.”

  19. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    A Skeleton’s Fight
    by Nadia Ali

    The skeleton watched Halloween from his window.

    He wanted to go. He had to go.

    Wearing a mask he ventured out.

    Bones rattling, clickety-clack.

    Children behind a mask scurry along the streets.

    Monsters behind a mask creep in the shadows.

    Skeleton behind his mask excited to be out.

    Bones rattling, clickety-clack.

    Frightful, fearsome, a sight to behold.

    Skeleton’s mask fell from his skull.

    He wanted to go. He had to go!

    Running faster like he was being chased.

    Bones rattling, clickety-clack.

    The skeleton once more watched Halloween from his window.

    Happy to watch safely from a far.

    The End

  20. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    Author: Rebecca Allain
    Title: The Maple Tree Fright

    The maple tree is masked with leaves,
    A mane of red and gold.
    A place for feathered friends to sing,
    Whose shades are just as bold.

    The colors start to fade though,
    As the days creep on and on,
    The birds begin to wonder
    Where the gentle beast has gone.

    Soon the tree stands barren,
    With its skeleton uncloaked.
    The birds sing songs of sorrow,
    Hearts swollen and provoked.

    The moon now teased the tree,
    With his fierce and shining light.
    But tree is swarmed with birds,
    Of red and gold so bright!

    And it gives the moon a fright!

  21. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    Word Count: 92
    By Annette LaFortune Murray

    The Mummy family wrap up their cookie baking for Halloween night.

    Skeletons, pumpkins, witches, and cat cookies fill the kitchen.

    When the doorbell rings, something creepy happens.

    The cookies fill the house as the Mummy family pass them out.

    Over…and over…and over.

    Cookies flow into the living room, sun porch, bedrooms, and backyard.
    But cookie monsters come to the door…and they come…and they come.

    The doorbell rings over…and over…and over.

    Until the cookies are gone.

    And the kids in masks are gone.

    Were those monsters or kids in costumes?

    We don’t know.

  22. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    The Night Stacey Saved Halloween
    Author: Autumn Haley Age 8

    Stacey’s dog Creep dug something up. WOAH – a spellbook!

    Her house shook…

    Stacey looked down the path and saw claw marks.

    Kim, Stacey’s friend spoke, “I heard legends that if you find this spellbook a pumpkin will ruin Halloween. We must find the magical mask to defeat it!”

    “I’ve been expecting you…” said Pumpkin.

    Kim laughed, “you fell for my trap”.

    She continued, “He promised me a lifetime of treats if I planted the spellbook.”

    Creep grabbed the mask from Kim, and placed it on Pumpkin.

    “I’m sorry Stacey, I’ve never had a happy Halloween”.

    “Kim, It’s not too late”

    The End

  23. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    The Skeleton Ball
    by Jenny Caddy @CwritesJen

    On Halloween night at the skeleton ball,
    the zombies and witches all danced in the hall.

    Old scarecrow stood watching, he thought it looked fun,
    and wanted to join them before it was done.

    Disguised in a mask, he sneaked up to the door,
    ready to creep in and dance on the floor.

    But skeletons saw him and took off his mask.
    “Oh scarecrow, you’re welcome, you just had to ask!”

    So in he went laughing and danced with them all.
    The new friends he made at the skeleton ball.

  24. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    The Halloween Car Parade
    By Laura Bower

    Welcome to the car parade!
    It’s time to show us what you’ve made.

    I’ll give out prizes (as your host)
    to the car that scares the most!

    Here comes Spider. On the scene!
    A creeping, crawling bug machine.

    Next is Zelda’s – Ugg, P-U!
    A toxic blast of witch’s brew.

    Masked mummy’s car is wrapped up tight,
    screeching, screaming through the night.

    You all did great. Impressed this year.
    But the winner is quite clear.

    The first prize goes to Skeleton
    Who made his car of gelatin!

    Hear it SQUISH! And see it WIGGLE!
    Nothing’s scarier than that JIGGLE!

  25. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    The Halloween Ball
    By Crystal Lamb
    A tale told in a cadence of four….or…..
    Told to the beat of “The Worms Crawl In, The Worms Crawl Out”

    The skeletons crept along the wall
    To join their friends at the Halloween Ball
    The dance is held most every year
    To spread to all some ghostly cheer.

    Their way was blocked by an Ogre tall
    “Masks are required at our Halloween Ball!”
    They turned to leave; their heads hung low
    “STOP! WAIT! You don’t have to go!”

    “I have 3 masks which you can use!”
    “Hooray!” they squealed at this wonderful news
    They danced all night with spooky friends
    Until the fun must sadly end

    The skeletons crept along the wall
    They had a blast at the Halloween Ball.

  26. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    A HALLOWEEN SCARE by Sarah Hetu-Radny


    With Mark sanitizing, Renee counting masks,
    and the newbie schlop-mopping the floor,
    the skeleton crew at Saint Joe’s hospital
    was devoid of all Hallow’s Eve gore.

    Suddenly Newbie collapsed in surprise.
    “Don’t look! It’s a goblin! Unreal!”
    A shadow was creeping its way towards the bend!
    The others took off in full keel.

    Renee sh-sh-shuddering; Mark hunkered down.
    The newbie made barely a sound.
    The ghoul-shadow bellowed and raised something high,
    lights eerily flickered around.

    “BOO!” Little Jefferson rounded the bend,
    dragging his pole and IV.
    “Creepers!” The newbie upended his pail.
    “What a Halloween kid-fright for me!”

  27. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    By Jennifer Bochonowicz
    100 Words

    “I CAN’T TRICK OR TREAT! MY BODY LEFT WITHOUT ME!” shrieks Jack, the jack o lantern.

    “I see it!” Running with Jack, Skeleton’s mask falls over his eyes.

    “Sorry, Jack. We lost him.”

    “No, I see footprints.”

    They lead them to a Halloween Parade.

    They follow the parade through a cornfield maze.

    “Body?! No, a scarecrow,” says Jack.

    They stop at the top of a hill.

    “Look Jack! A Headless Halloween Party!”

    “Body!” cries Jack.

    Jack’s body waves hello and points to a sign.

    “Headless Dance Off! Free broomstick rides for Trick or Treating heads!”


  28. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    Marjorie David

    Into the dark three costumes crept,
    In search of scary tricks or treats.
    Bats, cats, and ghosts might rattle
    round and by their stumbling feet.
    “Something brushed me!” pirate bellowed.
    “Spooky green eyes!” pumpkin whimpered,
    “Have only black cat’s eyes glowed?”
    “A ghost!” Skeleton’s bones clattered.
    Moving together, they shrieked
    before daring a backward peek.
    A light flicked on.
    The basement lit up.
    The cat streaked for the door.
    A curtain puffed,
    a bed sheet billowed,
    they dashed across the floor.
    With masks off,
    children cheered at the frightful sight,
    ready now for Halloween scares, but….
    not until tomorrow night.

  29. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    by Maria Pichler

    “What’s the creepiest thing you can think of?” Ben asked his friend, Lucas. It was Halloween afternoon, and the boys were hot-gluing their masks.

    “A bunch of slimy-eyed skeletons chasing me in a graveyard. How about you?”

    “Mom always asks me to shut the back door at night, and every night, I’m afraid somebody or something might push back.”

    “Yikes!” Lucas said.

    That night, Ben’s big brother, Jordan, left for his Wizard Party. Halfway down the driveway, he realized he had forgotten his wand. He went straight for the backdoor, since it was closer. Jordan pushed hard. Inside, somebody screamed.

  30. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    SKELETONS by Patty Wright

    I learned a new word at preschool today!

    The word is… SKELETON!

    Skeleton is my favorite word. Skeleton has three beats. We clapped them out like this: Skel – e – ton. See? Three beats.

    I want a skeleton Halloween costume. I’m gluing and painting a skeleton mask. We even made skeleton cookies.

    Wait! What did you say? Skeletons are bones?

    That’s kind of creepy.

    Whoa! Are you kidding me? There’s a skeleton inside me? And one in you? And one in my dog?

    That’s really scary!


    Maybe I could just eat the cookies and skip the rest.

  31. says:

    GHOST on the COAST 98 words
    (ghost crab)

    by Becky Loescher

    I creep from my burrow
    in moon’s eerie light,
    masked by dark shadows …
    it’s Halloween night.

    I’m scare-the-beach spooky
    with skeletal shell,
    a ghost with ten legs …
    ghoulish stories to tell.

    Movement approaches,
    disturbing the sand.
    My pincers are poised,
    my next move is well-planned.

    My eyes scan the beach,
    stretching periscope-high.
    It’s coming! It’s closer!
    I dare not be shy.

    I skid to a stop.
    I could end up as prey!
    My only escape …
    secret sand hideaway.

    I’m ghostly. It’s GHASTLY!
    My cue to skidoo!
    This ghost on the coast
    is a scaredy-crab. BOO!

  32. Nancy Riley says:

    by Nancy Derey Riley 100 words

    This Halloween I took a dare—
    give my older sis a scare.
    Every year she finds a way
    to make my hauntings go astray.
    I creep along the darkened hall—
    back pressed hard against the wall.
    Her room’s the next one on the right,
    dimly lit by candlelight.
    Behind my mask my glasses fog
    I didn’t see our family dog.
    I trip just as I leap and yell,
    “Behold the skeleton from hell!”
    Then I fall flat on my face,
    my scaring such a huge disgrace.
    My sister smiles and hugs me tight,
    “You really gave me such a fright!”

  33. daniellesharkan says:

    Lonely Spider’s Dance
    97 words
    Danielle Sharkan

    Creeping through the night,
    a lonely spider cries,
    until he sees a skeleton
    with big black blinking eyes

    Spider takes a chance.
    He gives it all he’s got.
    He asks her for a dance,
    and then they start to trot.

    Halloween, Halloween!
    Time for spooks and fright.
    Oh what fun it is to tend
    to a lonely spider’s plight.

    She steps on his feet,
    and he twirls on her toes.
    They can’t keep a beat,
    but their laughter grows.

    Halloween, Halloween!
    Masks and trick or treat.
    Oh what fun it is dance
    on a lonely spider’s feet.

  34. CarlaBourne (@CarlaEyeBourne) says:

    Things That Go Cronk
    by Carla Bourne
    99 words

    Crackle! Rattle! Cronk, Cronk!
    Abana’s eyes popped open.

    “What’s that under my bed?”
    “I know I put away my mask, costume and toys.
    Nothing should be under there.”

    “Should I get Mummy? Should I peep?”

    Her heart beat louder than the creepy noise below her.
    She gulped and took a long deep breath and leaned over the edge of the bed.

    What in the World! Her puppy Skele was cuddled around her skeleton doll.
    The skeleton’s bones jiggled and rattled with each loud doggie snore.

    She giggled and snuggled back down.
    Tonight’s Trick-O-Treating had worn little Skele completely out!

  35. Susan.drew (@_susandrew) says:

    Grrrr! Brothers!
    by Susan Drew

    Abby Skeleton gulped down her breakfast and raced to the library. A new Scaryville book always came out on Halloween and she wanted it first!
    That new book smell.
    Smooth, crease free pages.
    Crisp black words with no smudges.
    But on the door was a sign: “Boo! You must wear a mask to enter the Library!”
    Abby crept home, cheek bones burning red.
    She’d grab her mask and get back as fast as she could.
    “Hey Angela!” called her brother Trevor. “Look what I got!”
    Trevor was sitting in HER favorite spot waving HER Scarevyville book.
    “I got it first!”

  36. Nicola Thackrey (@NicolaT071) says:

    Midnight Mortal Ball
    by Nicola Thackrey
    (100 words)

    The dusty bell chimed grimly at the Creeps for Creatures school,
    Which was built from broken gravestones – the headmaster was a ghoul.

    Greta Ghost stood watching as excitement filled the hall,
    For every Halloween they held the Midnight Mortal Ball.

    Three skeletons in cowboy hats crept by in leather boots,
    The pack of Year 5 werewolves prowled the stairs in puppy suits.

    A colony of bats flapped past, dressed up as butterflies,
    And Frankenstein strolled stiffly in his scientist disguise.

    Pulling on her human mask, the prettiest she’d seen,
    Greta glanced towards the mirror and shrieked out a chilling scream!

  37. ryanrobertsauthor says:

    The Monsters of Halloween
    by Ryan Roberts

    Halloween Night.
    Halloween Night!
    Will I see monsters?
    Perhaps I just might!

    One monster feasted.
    Hooted and moaned.
    Coughed up a pellet
    of skeleton bones!

    …but it was just an owl.

    The next monster wore
    a spooky black mask,
    crept like a bandit,
    dined on our trash!

    … but it was just a raccoon.

    The last monster swooped,
    like a shadow through air.
    Famished and frenzied—
    a living nightmare!

    … but it was just a bat.

    Halloween Night.
    Halloween Night.
    There were some monsters,

    … but it was alright.

  38. yangmommy says:

    There was no way I was going to miss the 10th Annual Halloweensie! Presenting 100w of fun….

    The Perfect Halloween Present
    by Jenny Buchet

    Gobblewolly searched the pumpkin patch for Esme’s Halloween present.
    “Nothing but the best for me skeleton princess,” he sang.

    But his song switched to a moan.
    Then a groan.

    No more perfect pumpkins!
    Squishy squashes!

    “Fairy godmothers,” he muttered.

    Gobblewolly paced.
    Gobblewolly pondered.
    Gobblewolly planned.

    Carving just so.

    He crept behind Esme ….“Hallo”

    “AHHH!! Gobblewolly, you gave me such fright!”

    “Tis all you really need on Halloween night.”

    “And my pumpkin?”

    He handed her a ghoulish, gourdy mask.
    “Nothing but the best for me skeleton princess!”

    Then they enjoyed a most frightful, delightful night.

    • carrieandtodd says:

      Gobblewolly is the ultimate Halloween character name. Loved the little wry Cinderella reference you slipped in there–very clever.

  39. KarynCurtis21 says:

    Hopeless Heist
    Karyn Curtis
    89 words

    A skeleton began to creep
    Through dark and spooky streets.
    He’d spotted several kids ahead
    And wanted all their treats!

    But when he jumped out of the dark
    To send them off in terror
    He understood, to his chagrin,
    He’d made an awful error!

    These kids were not your normal tykes,
    Small and scared and charming.
    They were most unspeakable,
    Horrendous and alarming!

    “Oh wow,” said one, “Why did he run?”
    “I thought you’d never ask.”
    Said his best friend, triumphantly,
    “I’m wearing my best mask!”

    • Jill Lambert says:

      I like the way you flipped normally scared children into abnormal tykes that kept the creepy skeleton off balance. Clever ending, too! Well done, Karyn! Best of luck in the contest.

  40. Kristen Spina Foote says:

    97 words
    By Kristen Foote

    I’ve waited for this day ALL YEAR.
    My “Monster Bash” invite is here!

    THE TIME: At dusk on Halloween
    THE THEME: A COVID Quarantine
    You’re not allowed without a mask!

    So what’s a skeleton to do
    to block my germ-filled snotty spew?

    Without a fleshy, flappy ear,
    elastic loops CANNOT adhere.

    Some Mummy gauze should do the trick
    to keep ghoul-friends from getting sick!

    A dozen times wrapped ‘round my face
    with gopher guts to hold in place.

    And when they ask, “What costume’s THAT?”
    I’ll say, “A creepy BOOGER trap!”

  41. kate says:

    Thank you so much Susannah (and to all the talented entrants)! Happy 10th birthday to the Halloweensie contest–and may it never die! I look forward to it every year. There aren’t many Halloween festivities for an expat in France (especially during lockdown)…so Halloweensie has become a precious little tradition to get me in the fall spirit. Thanks again, Susannah, and to everyone for all these spooky mini-tales! Having such fun reading :).

  42. Jennifer Broedel (@JBroedelAuthor) says:

    Halloweensie was just what I need to get my butt in the chair. Thanks Susanna, for this fun and festive challenge, in what has been a crazy year for us all!

    99 words
    by Jennifer Broedel

    Creeping through swamp fog, in search of a scare,
    we hear a shrill trill in the chill of the air.
    It leads to a clearing where flames flicker green,
    and phantom-like voices ring in Halloween.

    Masked by a curtain as black as the night,
    skeleton crews are assembled, stage-right.

    Swirling and twirling, they dally and dance,
    quivering, quaking, they clatter and prance,
    leaping and loping, in jumbled jetes,
    a raucous of rattles and pas-de-bourrées.

    Skulking and spectral, they beckon us in,
    the boneyard ballet is about to begin!

    Stopped dead, enraptured, we’ll never be free,
    frozen in place, supernaturally!

  43. Diantha Litwer says:

    Halloween Night
    Di Litwer (
    (100 words; mask, skeleton, creep)

    Black cat sky,
    Masked moon shines bright.
    Tiny shrieks tear through the night.
    Small ones dressed to give a fright.
    Halloween is here!

    Witches scurry through the leaves.
    Skirt the graveyard, past the trees,
    Spooky mansion, glowing, waits,
    Ringed with ghostly children’s shapes
    Chanting, “Trick or treat.”

    Magic apple on a stick.
    Maze of corn to trap and trick.
    Zombie ear. Goblin toe.
    Mummy finger wrapped in dough?

    Closer, closer, creatures creep.
    Princess roused from endless sleep.
    Vampires. Dragons. Pirates. Elves.
    Wizards casting ancient spells
    On tired little feet.

    Skeleton hand,
    Ghostly moan,
    Pumpkin glowing,
    All alone.
    Halloween was here.

  44. marty says:

    by Marty Bellis (
    93 WC

    Tom Bones clink clank clattered everywhere he went.

    For one night, he’d transform himself into someone tall, dark and totally awesome.


    No more jokes or sidelong glances.

    He’d get admiring looks and envious stares instead.

    Pulling on his costume and MASK, he looked in the mirror.

    Super Dude stared back.

    Tall. Dark. Totally awesome.

    Grabbing his treat bag, he headed out.

    Clink, clank, clatter — his bones ruined the image.

    Or did they?

    Oddly enough, tonight it was just the right touch.

    A spine tingling bone-us for Super Dude!

  45. marty says:

    Hooray for the 10th annual Halloweensie!
    It’s always a treat, Susanna, and gets the writing juices flowing in such inventive ways.
    Never satisfied with just one. Here’s entry #2.
    Happy Halloween!

    Marty Bellis (
    100 WC

    Bonaparte had no body, which made it hard to fit in.
    He longed to be a real Boy.
    Halloween was his chance.
    His MASK and disguise were ready.
    “Hey, kid, you forgot your costume,” said a voice.
    Bonaparte grinned.
    He’d actually fooled a human!
    “What if I make CREEPY noises like this?” he asked, rattling his bones.
    “Better, but you still need a disguise.”
    Bonaparte sighed.
    Only one thing to do.
    Pulling off his costume,
    he became himself again – a bone-fide SKELETON.
    “Awesome!” said the real Boy. “Let’s go!”
    Bonaparte loved Halloween.
    He fit in perfectly, without even trying!

  46. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    Dad’s Halloween
    By Lisa Lipsey

    Dad? Please take my shield.

    Dad? Can you hold the wand I wield?

    Dad? This is an itchy wig.

    Dad? My cape is too big.

    Dad? This flashlight weighs a lot!

    Dad? My skeleton sweater’s hot.

    Dad? Can I take off my mask and wings?

    Look Dad! I found something!

    Dad? I don’t have pockets, see?

    Dad? My feet. Carry me.

    Dad was sure a sight to see!

    Mom asked, “Who’s that, creeping toward me?”

    “Happy Halloween” came a muffled greeting.

    “Please don’t ask about trick-or-treating!”

    Dad dropped everything in a heaping pile.

    And Mom just giggled for a while.

  47. E. Elle Bea (@EElleBea) says:

    Title: Final Moments
    By E. Elle Bea ( or @EElleBea on Twitter)
    Words: 94

    “I said, ‘No!’”

    The witch’s words spew like bubbles from a cauldron. Instantly I feel the effects of her spell. My mask dangles from limp fingers. My knees fall to the ground. I try to creep toward her, to fight back, but I’m too weak. I’m just a skeleton in a heap on the floor. With the last of my breath, I wail in agony.

    “Fine,” she growls. “One more piece of candy, then bedtime!”

    Instantly I’m cured, leaping from the ground and toward my discarded pillowcase full of tonight’s treats.

    I love Halloween.

  48. Susanna Leonard Hill says:


    Cathy Lee Patterson

    It’s Halloween and I have been waiting a billion years for tonight! “I am going to hug a Ghost!” I have the plans, ten gigantic marshmallows and sugar. While everyone is out trick-or-treating, I put on my mask and creep outside to the back porch. I place each sweet marshmallow on the ground in a luring path. Everything in place, I hide behind the hanging skeleton decorations. One by one each marshmallow disappears, until in a flash, I throw the sugar in the air! “Bazinga!” That’s how you hug a ghost!

    • Ashley Congdon (@AshleyCCongdon) says:

      This is so fun. I can see it as a how-to story. How clever with throwing sugar. Kids would love that. Good luck!