Perfect Picture Book Friday – Ummmm. . .

Hello, Everyone!

So glad you’re here for Perfect Picture Book Friday!

In my dreams, I managed to actually post a perfect picture book for this week, but in reality. . . not so much. I’m afraid my time problems are continuing as in, I don’t have enough. If my car would kindly handle all the driving to and from my dad’s rehab center every day without my participation, I could get some significant work done in that time, but alas, my car doesn’t appear to be that gifted! (But please don’t tell her I said so – I don’t want to hurt her feelings! It’s not her fault she has the driving skills and navigational savvy of a box of hair 😊)

So let’s start by finding out who the randomly chosen lucky winner is of last week’s Perfect Picture Book Friday giveaway, HOW TO DRESS A DINOSAUR by Robin Currie!

And the winner is . . .

Emily Durant!

Emily, please email me (you can use the handy contact button in the menu bar) so I can set you up with your prize!

Thank you, Robin, for the giveaway! Such a treat!

Now, I am hoping all you lovely people will add your Perfect Picture Books to today’s list which is provided below.

If a miracle occurs, I will update this post with a book of my own, but don’t hold your breath! 🙃🙃🙃

For the complete list of books with resources, please visit Perfect Picture Books.

PPBF folks, please add your titles and post-specific blog links (and any other info you feel like filling out 😊) to the form below so we can all come see what fabulous picture books you’ve chosen to share this week!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! 😊

12 thoughts on “Perfect Picture Book Friday – Ummmm. . .

  1. ingridboydston says:

    You know how to eat an elephant, right? One bite at a time. 😊 Try not to stress about us. Be careful driving and know your fans and friends care about you. We’ll be here when your life is calm(er)…because is it ever really calm? Prayers for you and your. 🙏💕

  2. viviankirkfield says:

    Lots for you to do, dear Susanna…and juggling it all isn’t easy. I keep telling myself to stop doing blog posts (especially now with the 750 entries to #50PreciousWords that I need to read), but somehow, I just can’t say no when authors, illustrators, publicists reach out. And you have always been bitten by that same ‘I can’t say no’ bug also. As Ingrid says, we will be fine and ready to pop here whenever you are able to reappear.
    Please take care, my friend…sending hugs and love.

  3. readmybook2002 says:

    Don’t forget to sleep, don’t get dehydrated, and make sure you eat something on your journey back & forth. A simple piece of dark chocolate once a day will calm you and provide a reward for your daily efforts. Medical life is somewhat like writing. You first try to take in the whole picture but don’t linger because it will drive you crazy. Divide it up into smaller parts to keep you focused on one thing at a time. Edit out the bad stuff (daily). In the medical world, patients & families get bombarded by too much stimuli, too many questions, not enough answers. Wish your father a speedy & healthy recovery.

  4. robincurrie1 says:

    We will all be here when you are ready – regain your strength and know we are sending good thoughts to surround you. (And thanks for another fun picture of How to Dress a Dinosaur!)

  5. palpbkids says:

    There is never a time that things like these are easy.
    If there is anything we can do to help you with the weekly postings, please don’t hesitate to ask.
    Wishing you strength, patience and courage.

  6. Sue Heavenrich says:

    You know what they say: Life is what happens when you make plans. And your car is doing as well as can be expected. You have enough to do without trying to post things every week…

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