Tuesday Debut – Presenting Laura Bower! PLUS A Giveway!

Welcome to Tuesday Debut, Everyone!

We have a Book Birthday Debut today! Happy Birthday to THE IMPOSTER!

I had the privilege of reading this book already and let me tell you, it is delightful!

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not admitting that between my 5 kids and their subsequent kids there has ever been any impostering around here. . . but it is possible that it might possibly have been a possibility at one point or another 😊

So without further ado, I am thrilled to introduce today’s debutess, Laura Bower, and her debut picture book, THE IMPOSTER! She is kindly offering a giveaway: a signed book, bookmark, keychain, and sticker! To qualify, please leave a comment below by Monday March 11 at 3PM Eastern and you might be randomly selected to win this fabulous book!

The Imposter
Author: Laura Bower
Illustrator: Kerisa Greene
Publisher: Gnome Road Publishing
Publishing Date: March 5, 2024
Fiction, Ages 4-7

Olive loves her Mr. Snuggles more than anything else in the world. He’s cuddly. Reliable. Perfect. And unfortunately . . . lost! When Mr. Snuggles mysteriously reappears, Olive couldn’t be more excited. Except, something doesn’t feel quite right. Mr. Snuggles is a little too clean and a little too fluffy. He’s an imposter! Now Olive must make room for more than one Mr. Snuggles in her heart or find a way to rid the Imposter from her life for good.

SUSANNA: Where did the idea for this book come from?

LAURA: This book was an exception to my usual writing process, which is more piecemeal and involves lots of starts and stops, deletions, chocolate, etc. I wrote THE IMPOSTER in one afternoon (while my kids were at summer camp). Okay, there was still chocolate. It definitely went through a lot of revision, but the story came out all at once. I knew exactly what I wanted to say as it is a story close to my heart. All three of my children have loveys (two are still very attached to theirs) and we have dealt with our fair share of imposters over the years. No matter how much we tried to play it cool and make the imposter look like the original (lost!) lovey, the kids always knew (which usually led to immediate rejection and lots of tears — from the kids and parents). It definitely was a process for them to let the imposters into their lives.

The Imposter Inspiration (Nedburt the Raccoon, Petunia the Bunny and Puppy the Puppy 😊

SUSANNA: How long did it take you to write this book?

LAURA: As I mentioned, I wrote the first draft very quickly, however, the revision process was a different story (see question #3) 😊.

SUSANNA: Did you go through many revisions?

LAURA: THE IMPOSTER went through many rounds of revision. The overall framework of the story did not change much, but there was revision in terms of streamlining words, leaving more room for the illustrator, building the empathy and heart, etc. It was edited by several different critique groups and revised by the amazing Marcie Colleen, through her Study Hall class, which was extremely helpful in bringing out the story’s emotional core. I wrote the first draft in the summer of 2018 and sold The Imposter in 2021.

Laura’s writing space

SUSANNA: When did you know your manuscript was ready for submission?

LAURA: I knew the manuscript was ready for submission when several of my critique partners said they couldn’t wait to see THE IMPOSTER on shelves. I loved the story from the beginning but gained the confidence to submit based on their encouragement.

Laura’s writing pal, Clover 😊

SUSANNA: When and how did you submit?

LAURA: I do not have an agent (I am actively searching for one). I submitted directly to the awesome Sandra Sutter at Gnome Road Publishing. I had met Sandra at a SCBWI NY winter conference (before she started Gnome Road). When I heard she had created her own publishing company (super impressive!) I decided take a chance and submit, since Gnome Road Publishing accepted submissions from unagented writers at that time.  I actually submitted another manuscript first, EMILY SNOOK THE WORLD’S SMALLEST COOK (which is coming out with Gnome Road in Fall 2024). Sandra really liked it but said it wasn’t right for her list at this time but encouraged me to resubmit (which I did in September 2021). She was also receptive to me submitting another manuscript at that time, so I sent her THE IMPOSTER, which she decided to acquire!

SUSANNA: How long after you found out about your book going to acquisitions (if you did) or after you submitted were you told it was a “yes”?

LAURA: I submitted The Imposter to Sandra in September 2021 and heard back in early October 2021. Once Sandra told me she wanted to acquire THE IMPOSTER, we had a call and I knew I wanted to work with Sandra/Gnome Road right away! Sandra is kind, organized and driven. She is also a writer (and has a law background) so she wears many hats and I knew she would be an awesome advocate for my work.

SUSANNA: When did you get “the call”, which these days is more likely to be “the email”?  (Best moment ever! 😊)

LAURA: Sandra sent the email that she wanted to move forward with THE IMPOSTER on October 4, 2021 (best day ever!).

SUSANNA: How long was it between getting your offer and getting your contract to sign?

LAURA: I received the offer in the beginning of October and got the contract to sign very shortly after (which I sent back quickly to make sure Sandra didn’t change her mind). 😊

SUSANNA: How did you celebrate signing your contract?  (If you care to share 😊)

LAURA: Definitely with some happy tears and a dance party with my kids and their loveys — Puppy, Petunia, and Nedburt (the inspiration for the story!).

SUSANNA: Was the contract what you expected in terms of advance, royalty percentage, publication timeline, author copies etc.?

LAURA: Since this was my first time dealing with contracts, advances, etc. I didn’t really have set expectations and was thrilled to have my first book deal. I worked with a literary lawyer on the contract, which was very standard. After my first call with Sandra, I knew that Gnome Road was the perfect home for my debut.

SUSANNA: Can you tell us a little about the editorial process?

LAURA: Sandra had some changes that she detailed in a working Word document and we discussed over Zoom. The changes she suggested were excellent (strategic word changes, adding lines that helped create more of an emotional impact, etc.) It was a very easy process working with Sandra — she is open to feedback/discussing ideas. It was truly a collaborative effort.

SUSANNA: What was your experience of the illustration process like?

LAURA: I felt very involved and valued in the illustration process. Sandra showed me potential illustrators and we decided on Kerisa Greene as she lined up the most with our vision for the story. Kerisa was amazing to work with. She is extremely talented, organized, professional and receptive to feedback. She added so much depth and heart to the book with her charming illustrations. I saw character sketches and spreads along the way. The first time Sandra showed me the book I cried (happy tears!). I love all of the decisions Kerisa made — the characters’ expressions, the type of animal Mr. Snuggles (and Imposter) is, how Mr. Snuggles is found, all the fun (and funny) details, the color palette, etc. I had very minor changes/suggestions which both Sandra and Kerisa were very receptive to. I couldn’t be happier with the finished product. I wish Kerisa and I lived closer to do some events together. Hopefully I will get to meet her in person at some point!

text copyright Laura Bower 2024, illustration copyright Kerisa Greene 2024, Gnome Road Publishing

text copyright Laura Bower 2024, illustration copyright Kerisa Greene 2024, Gnome Road Publishing

I did include some art notes in my manuscript but purposely left things open ended (like how Mr. Snuggles is eventually found!). Kerisa came up with the brilliant idea to involve the family dog. One example of an art note I had in my manuscript was:

Olive needed to go bigger, so she hired a…

detective.                                                          (Art: Olive pays her brother to look for Mr. Snuggles.)

He found everything she ever lost,

except Mr. Snuggles.

Here is the illustration!

SUSANNA: How long did it take from offer to having the first copy in your hand?

LAURA: I got the offer in October 2021 and received the first copy in February 2024 so almost 2 and a half years!

SUSANNA: What kind of marketing and promotion has your publisher done for this book?

LAURA: Gnome Road Publishing provides amazing support for its authors/illustrators and it really does feel like a family as everyone is so encouraging of each other. Gnome Road has submitted THE IMPOSTER for reviews and awards as well as reached out to libraries/librarians and provided detailed marketing/educational materials. They do a great job promoting their books on social media and have also set up some blog opportunities for me.

SUSANNA: Describe any marketing/promotion you did for this book.

LAURA: I was lucky to find an amazing debut marketing group PB Soar (@PB_Soar24) It has been so nice to connect with authors that are in the same boat — all launching our debut picture books in 2024. We have shared resources, ideas, materials, advice — and the list goes on. It has been an invaluable resource/support system. I couldn’t ask for a greater group of talented women to be a part of. Kerisa made an amazing book trailer and developed awesome activity sheets for the Imposter that I plan to bring to events. I am setting up school/bookstore/library visits, blog/podcast interviews, social media outreach, reaching out to local media and am having a launch event at my local library. I have created bookmarks, keychains, stickers and had Mr. Snuggles and Mr. Huggles stuffed animals made by an awesome company called Budsies.

SUSANNA: How long was it between the time you started writing seriously and the time you sold your first picture book?

LAURA: While I started dreaming about writing picture books in 2010 (when my first daughter was born), I didn’t start writing seriously until 2016. I took my first writing class with author Amalia Hoffman in Westchester, NY and was hooked! I went to my first SCBWI conference in 2017 and then started joining/participating in as many opportunities as possible — 12×12, contests, critique groups, classes, etc. I sold my first picture book in 2021 — so about six years from when I started writing seriously to sell my first book (and eight years for book in hand)!

SUSANNA: What is the most important/helpful thing you learned on your way to publication? (Or what is your most helpful piece of advice for up and coming writers?)

LAURA: My most important piece of advice is don’t give up (this industry requires lots of patience!). I definitely rushed in the beginning and made the classic mistake of sending stories out too early and not having enough polished manuscripts. I have taken a lot of classes over the years, but I wished I signed up for certain classes (like yours Susanna) earlier! And don’t be too hard on yourself. Rejection is all part of the process. It is how we learn and grow. Find writing friends/partners who will lift you up. The writing community is filled with awesome, loving people who get what you are going through. We are in this together!

SUSANNA: Thank you so much for taking the time to participate in this series and paying it forward to other writers, Laura! We so appreciate the opportunity to learn from you! Wishing you every success with this and future titles!

Readers, if you have questions for Laura, please post them in the comments below and if she has time I’m sure she’ll respond! And remember, your comment puts you in the running to qualify for the giveaway: a signed book, bookmark, keychain, and sticker! Just leave a comment below by Monday March 11 at 3PM Eastern and you might be randomly selected to win Laura’s amazing book!

Author Laura Bower

Instagram: @laurabowerwrites
Twitter/X: @laurabower79

You may purchase Laura’s book at:
(all links below are book-specific)


We can help our debut authors successfully launch their careers by:

– purchasing their books

– recommending their books to friends and family

– recommending their books to our children’s teachers and librarians

– recommending their books to our local libraries and bookstores

– suggesting them as visiting authors at our children’s schools and our local libraries

– sharing their books on social media

– reviewing their books on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and other sites where people go to learn about books.

Thank you all for stopping by to read today!  Have a lovely, inspiration-filled Tuesday!  Maybe today is the day you’ll write your debut picture book 😊

Missed any previous Tuesday Debuts?  Check them out HERE!

71 thoughts on “Tuesday Debut – Presenting Laura Bower! PLUS A Giveway!

  1. robdonart123 says:

    Congratulations on your book. I thought my Aunt Blanche created the word “lovey.” Perhaps it’s always been universal. I love it! Plus, I love the photo of your children with their loveys, your dog and writing space. Here is my question, how many critique groups and critique partners did you need to go through before you found ones that were perfect for you? ♥️ Thank you

    • laurakbower says:

      Thanks so much! I know a lot of people call them stuffies, but I have always called them loveys! I have had several critique groups over the years. They all have been great. I would say the main reason why certain ones did not work out for me was because of the differing levels of commitment to the group. Some groups I felt weren’t active enough and some groups were too active (required more frequent critiques).

  2. kcollazo says:

    What an adorable story, Laura, congratulations! I love that your illustrator, Kerisa, was instrumental in “the find”! Thank you for sharing your writing journey!🥰

    • laurakbower says:

      Thank you so much! Kerisa had so many fun surprises for me! It was like Christmas going through the book! 🙂

  3. robincurrie1 says:

    Mea Culpa – my daughter had 3 Lolly Dolls we rotated when one got to be dirty. She is probably in therapy for that. Thanks for sharing your story of publication without an agent!

    • laurakbower says:

      Thank you so much! It seems that most people have a lovey or imposter story and it has been so much fun hearing some of them! I hope you enjoy it!

  4. Kim A Larson says:

    Congratulations, Laura! What a fun, relatable premise for a story. I love it! Can’t wait to read it. Great interview, too. Thanks for sharing!

    • laurakbower says:

      Thank you so much Kim! There have been so many imposter/lovey stories shared and they have all been so much fun to hear! I hope that you enjoy the book!

  5. Lindsay Moretti says:

    What a fun book, Laura! My kiddos would definitely relate to this story – they always seem to KNOW, you know? Thank you for sharing your journey – can’t wait to read it!

  6. Kate Grimm says:

    I can’t wait to read this! We have an imposter of our own for my son’s stuffed monkey to swap out when I’m cleaning it, and my son DEFINITELY can tell the difference.

    • laurakbower says:

      Thanks Kate! I love that you have an imposter. Kids are too smart. I remember one of my girls just looking at me when we tried to pass off the imposter as the original like “you’ve got to be kidding me mom” 😉 I hope you love the book!

  7. Stacey Millett says:

    Wonderful story idea, glad you got this into the world. Reminds me of my now 29 year old son’s stuffed Raccoon. My father gave it to him when he was 2 and he kept it close until he was 13. Imposter part is nose my mother replaced when it fell off due to wear and tear. He never seemed to notice the difference.

    • laurakbower says:

      Thanks so much Stacey! I love hearing about your son’s raccoon! My son had a raccoon too! And love that he kept it close until 13! My 14 and almost 12 year olds still sleep with theirs every night. Your mom must have done a very good job with the nose for him not to notice! Go mom! 🙂

  8. Danielle Hammelef says:

    I love this idea! My kids all had special stuffties too–my middle child still has hers and the fate of the others might end up as stories themselves someday. We also tried the replacement option and I remember having to resort to Ebay, but despite the exact stuffed toy, my child knew. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of this book!

    • laurakbower says:

      Thanks Danielle for sharing your story! I really think nothing beats the scent of the original lovey to a kid! I had to search on ebay for my daughter’s imposter. It seems like I got one of the last ones and they don’t make them anymore so I told her she can’t lose this one or else mom is making her a new one 😉

  9. hanin379 says:

    What a clever and funny story! I can’t wait to get my son a copy! Thank you for sharing your inspiring writing and publishing journey.

  10. lzgodfrey says:

    Congratulations, Laura! I can’t wait to see your book in the wild! Thanks for sharing your adventures in writing with us – you are an inspiration!

    • laurakbower says:

      aww, thank you so much! That is so nice of you! The writing community is amazing — I am inspired by so many things each day! Thank you for your support!

  11. Suhasini Gupta says:

    Congratulations, Laura! This is such a lovely story. Thanks for sharing your journey. I can’t wait to read this book to my kids.

  12. Katie Schwartz says:

    Thank you for sharing all the information leading up to the publication of your book. Looks so delightful, and brings back memories for sure, back in the day when I had 3 little boys running around keeping me busy! Congratulations!

    • laurakbower says:

      Thank you so much Katie! I am glad that it brings back memories! *and wow – 3 boys! I get why you were busy 🙂

  13. ptnozell says:

    Congratulations on your debut, Laura. Although we never had imposter stuffies, I well remember the day our middle child left her backpack & stuffie in an airport waiting area back in the day when the announcements warned, “unattended items will be destroyed” (Lambie, thankfully, was found before that happened).

  14. Marjorie-Ron Strid-David says:

    Your story brought back so many memories and heartaches from when my children were young. I am glad you captured that time period on paper. Your book will resonate with parents as well as children.

    • laurakbower says:

      Thank you so much Marjorie for your nice comment! I am glad that it brought back memories for you! The intense feelings about loveys are so real!

  15. seschipper says:

    What a great story! Our kids loved a “Bunnie and a cabbage patch doll”!

    Looking forward to reading this PB! I think I will ask for a copy for my birthday..March 11th 🙃

  16. authorlaurablog says:

    Susanna, I’m so glad you featured Laura and THE IMPOSTER on your Debut Tuesday! I love this book and I’ll be sharing my own story of trying to pass off an imposter bunny with my daughter when Laura is on my blog next week! Haha, I’m also interested in this giveaway with a keychain because she is also the daughter who had a serious keychain collection.

    Huge congratulations, Laura! A wonderful message for everyone that this business takes perseverance.

  17. Dianne Borowski says:

    I just loved your advice “Never give up!” It will be my motto from this day on. Thanks so much for your words of encouragement.

  18. heatherstigall says:

    Our family can SO relate to the premise of The Imposter! We’ve had a “costume” made for my daughter’s Pooh (so she could keep the original but he wore a literal bear “suit” zipped on top of the original; my aunt made the original so she made the “costume”) and tried to pull off a duplicate Hop-Hop for my son, but he, of course, could not be fooled. He reluctantly accepted it temporarily and referred to it as “Clean Hop-Hop” while waiting for the OG to be washed. Kids always know! Congrats on what looks like a great book. I can’t wait to read it!

    • laurakbower says:

      ha! This is great Heather! I love that she wore a bear zipped on top off the original. Clean Hop-hop is great! They never have the same smell!!

  19. marty bellis says:

    Congrats, Laura! Great title; great backstory. And the pic of your littles with their loveys is precious. Kids and adults will relate. Terrific illustrations, too, Kerisa!!

    • laurakbower says:

      Thank you so much Marty!! I really appreciate it. Kerisa did an amazing job with the illustrations! She perfectly captured all of Olive’s emotions! 🙂

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