Would If You Could Read It Wednesday

Good morning, my friends!

Guess what?

You get today off!

Due to life situations I will not bore you with, I ran out of Would You Read It submissions and didn’t realize it until the wee hours last night when I went to write today’s post!

(That is a totally undisguised plea for submissions!  If you’d like to submit a pitch, please do so and you can go next week or soon after – first come, first served!)

Meanwhile, just because we don’t have a pitch and you don’t have to give your expert opinions doesn’t mean we can’t have Something Chocolate!   Put your feet up!  Indulge and enjoy! 🙂


And now that you’ve had a healthy serving of fruit to fuel you… 🙂 … go forth and write something awesome! 🙂

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!  🙂



14 thoughts on “Would If You Could Read It Wednesday

  1. Evelyn Bookless says:

    Hi Susanna,

    That cake!!! Too much. I’m starving.

    I’m not sure how it works, but will be cheeky and ask if I can pitch my own newly released book? I can send a pdf copy. It doesn’t release in US until Jan 19 but it’s just gone up on presale there – Amazon and Indie Bound so far.

    It’s Captain Green and the Plastic Scene – http://www.evelynbookless.com/books

    It’s been out 3 weeks in Singapore and is doing well. I’ve been visiting schools reading it and talking about plastic pollution. It’s been well received by teachers and children which has been lovely.

    Maybe it should wait in line until later. Whatever you think. Again, not sure how this works.

    All the best,


    Evelyn Bookless http://www.evelynbookless.com


    • Susanna Leonard Hill says:

      Evelyn, I can give you next week since you were first, but I need working title, genre/age range, a pitch, a couple sentence bio from you by way of introduction to readers (serious or silly – whatever you like 🙂 ), and any links you want me to include. You can email them to me using any of the links on the site here, or by emailing susanna[at]susannahill[dot]com Thanks!

  2. Nadine Poper says:

    Good morning Susanna. Just want to make sure…did I miss the revision opportunity for March to win the pitch critique by Erin?

    • Susanna Leonard Hill says:

      No, you didn’t, Nadine! I haven’t sent out the email about that yet. So sorry for the delay. Life has been a bit nuts. I’ll try to get that out within the next week! Thanks for your patience ❤

  3. ptnozell says:

    Enjoy the day, Susanna! May is one of the longer months, most likely with 5 Wednesdays anyway, so what you really were doing is evening the field for those going head to head at the end of the month. You always have our best interests at heart!

  4. viviankirkfield says:

    Let them eat cake!!!! I think I’ve heard that somewhere in the past. 😉
    So sorry life’s complications have been making your life complicated. But I will try to do my part and send you a pitch…Evelyn gave me an idea…would it be okay to send a pitch to a manuscript that is under contract. I think it might be great to get feedback on what might be a good pitch for a book event or school visit.

  5. Gregory E Bray says:

    Good morning, Susanna. You may not have a pitch this week, but you’ll always have cake. =) I think I can muster up a pitch for you. I’ll send it your way later today. Have a great day!

  6. Lauri Meyers says:

    A day off! I’m spending it writing outside today, counting mourning doves, and celebrating asparagus stalks in the garden. I’m going to make a note to myself to get a submission to you too:)

  7. Nancy Vona (@nancy_vona) says:

    What a generous and gracious person you are. Thanks for the cake:) I hope things calm down for you. For me, I feel as though I go from hibernating right into busy summer.
    If we want to submit a pitch, do we email it to you?

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