Perfect Picture Book Friday – Rissy No Kissies

It is Perfect Picture Book Friday, but I won’t say “happy” today.

The kidlit world lost a wonderful person and author this week and we are all mourning our friend and colleague, Katey Howes.

Katey was a kind and generous person, a talented and accomplished poet and picture book author, smart and fun with a great sense of humor, a mentor to many, and a good friend. She left too soon, and she will be greatly missed.

I wanted to celebrate her today in whatever way I could – small though it may be – by sharing one of her books with you, even though I know it’s been shared on other Perfect Picture Book contributors’ blogs before.

Please join me in honoring her by reading her books if you haven’t already, or reading them again if you have, and by sharing them with the little ones in your life. They shine with Katey’s warm heart.

Title: Rissy No Kissies

Written By: Katey Howes

Illustrated By: Jess Engle

Publisher: Carolrhoda Books, March 2, 2021, fiction

Suitable For Ages: 4-8

Themes/Topics: body autonomy, boundaries, consent, respect

text copyright Katey Howes 2021, illustration coyright Jess Engle 2021, Carolrhoda Books

“‘Oh, the nestlings are just darling,’
cooed Miss Bluebird over tea.

‘I can see that they like tickles,
they like treats, and they like me!

‘Now I wonder if this little one
would kiss me on the cheek.’


Rissy chirruped with a most emphatic squeak.”

Brief Synopsis: [from the publisher] “Rissy’s friends and family wonder if she’s sick, confused, or rude. But kisses make Rissy uncomfortable. Can one little lovebird show everyone that there’s no one right way to show you care?”

text copyright Katey Howes 2021, illustration coyright Jess Engle 2021, Carolrhoda Books

Links To Resources: the back of the book contains information for kids and information for caregivers about body autonomy, having respect for your own body and feeling comfortable laying your own boundaries, and having respect for others and their boundaries; 20 Best Self-Esteem Activities For Kindergartners

text copyright Katey Howes 2021, illustration coyright Jess Engle 2021, Carolrhoda Books

Why I Like This Book: Written in fun-to-read-aloud rhyme, this story celebrates the right of every person to decide and stand up for what they are comfortable with. Rissy is a lovebird, (carefully and deliberately not identified by gender) and as such all of their friends and family “know lovebirds all love kisses.” Except Rissy doesn’t. As a result, family and friends think Rissy is confused, sick, rude, or mean. But Rissy’s mother knows better. She validates Rissy’s feelings, and offers support, letting Rissy know “there is NOTHING wrong with you” and “Your body and your heart are yours,/and you choose how to share./You get to pick the ways/you want to show us that you care.” Rissy’s mother’s unconditional love is comforting to Rissy and readers alike, and Rissy learns to tell others that while kissies make them uncomfortable, singing songs, holding wings, cards, cookies and other things are just right. The soft watercolor art is the perfect complement. An empowering story that will make young readers feel seen and understood, and help them understand the importance of setting their own boundaries and respecting those of others when it comes to how people touch.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do 😊

For the complete list of books with resources, please visit Perfect Picture Books.

PPBF folks, please add your titles and post-specific blog links (and any other info you feel like filling out 😊) to the form below so we can all come see what fabulous picture books you’ve chosen to share this week!

[I’m sorry – something is malfunctioning with the google sheet and I can’t get it to load. I will keep trying!]

Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend, everyone! 😊 And though it’s meant for remembering those who gave their all for our country, maybe we can also remember Katey and all she did to spread positivity, inclusion, and acceptance through her books.

Grandmother Thorn
A Poem Grows Inside You
Rissie No Kissies
Magnolia Mudd And The Super Jumptastic Launcher Deluxe
Be A Maker
Woven Of The World

and releasing July 9, 2024
The Reindeer Remainders

22 thoughts on “Perfect Picture Book Friday – Rissy No Kissies

  1. authorlaurablog says:

    Such shocking news to lose someone so young, talented, and kind. Truly a sad week. I had actually mentioned Rissy No Kissies last weekend to my friend on a hike as one of the books that came out about the same time about body autonomy. Katey was a shining light.

  2. robdonart123 says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. It is a sad time indeed. I am glad that you are honoring Katey and highlighting “Rissy No Kissies.” The book has a very important message and I will check it out. Have a safe and peaceful holiday.♥️

  3. Elizabeth Volkmann says:

    Thank you for posting this, Susanna. The loss of Katey is gutting. Remembering her and her work is something we can do to keep her light shining bright.

    And Susanna – thank you for your light and all you do for us! You are a bright star in this kidlit constellation. I am so happy to be in orbit with so many generous, smart, kind and talented writers. 💕

  4. Nadine Poper says:

    I had the pleasure of moderating the author panel she graciously joined for last year’s PA School Librarians Association conference. What joy she spread to librarians that day. She left an impact and will be remembered.

  5. marsue77 says:

    Her loss is shocking and she was a shining light and I adored her picture books. I love Rissy No Kisses and will get it for some new little nieces and nephews in my family. She will not be forgotten. Thank you Susanna for all you do for the kidlit community. Also I think she had a new book coming out soon but I do not remember the title if anyone else does. Sending love to all.

  6. Buffy Silverman says:

    Thank you for sharing one of Katey’s treasures. Like all of us, I am stunned by her sudden passing. An unimaginable loss for the kidlit community, for the kids who will not read the books she would have written, and especially for her family.

  7. Wendy Greenley says:

    I saw the title of your post and had to wait to read. I’m still shocked by the news each time I read it somewhere. Katey was a witty, talented writer, and a joy in person. We were lucky to have her at our local PA and NJ writers’ events.

  8. Maria Marshall says:

    What a wonderful tribute, Susanna. I’m still stunned. Katey will be very missed. My heart goes out to her whole family!

  9. ptnozell says:

    What a wonderful way to honor dear Katey’s memory. Those of us whose lives Katey touched have been reeling these past several days. But sharing her words will keep her spirit alive for us, her family, and future children.

  10. marty bellis says:

    Great choice, Susanna. Katey’s passing came as such a shock. I’ve been thinking of her and her family ever since hearing the news. So sad. Her books are beautiful reminders of what a kind and talented person she was.

  11. Penny Parker Klostermann says:

    Thank you for featuring one of Katey’s wonderful books. I first met Katey right here when she entered one of your special contests and chose the critique I donated. I was lucky to work with her and recognized her talent right away. More importantly, our communication was delightful. I wish I could’ve met Katey in person but even through email I felt her open and friendly personality. She will be missed! I’m thankful that her work lives on to touch readers.

  12. Ellen Leventhal says:

    Thank you for sharing this again. I didn’t know Katey, but I was looking forward to meeting her in person at ALA. But you don’t have to know someone in person to feel the enormous loss in our community. She will live on in her work.

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